[Tutorial] Sound replacing for free using Reaper (Audio -> MIDI)

You can also use KTDrumTrigger which is a free plugin and allows you to set up audio filters before the threshold if you like. You can also adjust how the velocity exports, or just use a MIDI Velocity plugin afterwards.
Hey! I wasn't aware of this thread (or function) it works really well!

Only problem i'm having is when i'm trying to record the midi notes are missing :S Addictive Drums plays the notes that are coming from the original tracks but it won't record the notes. I haven't looked into it thus yet but anyone have a slight idea what i'm doing wrong?

Edit : I found the solution, maybe it was me being blond and dumb but you have to record the midi OUTput in the AD track :D
Yes! I started using this trick a couple of weeks ago when I made the switch from Sonar to Reaper. And I thought I was being clever by using Velocity Control too :P

+1 to Sticky!
Ok, maybe I don't totally grasp this yet....

I see tutorials of people actually recording another track of the triggered hits/recording the raw data or midi from say track 1 to track 2 with the sample on it.

The way I have mine set up, is it's replacing a raw mic'd kick drum hit. My meter at my fader now has a red bar at the bottom that jumps up, I'm guessing this is the midi? Is the way I'm going about it "correct"? Going to be recording soon and realllly want to replace kicks and possibly snare but we dont have an actual trigger and I wanted to just record the mic'd kicks and use this little feature to replace.
Holy thread bump Batman. :lol:

Adam Wathan posted a great video (on his Reaper thread) for converting real drum tracks to MIDI. It's great if you wanna add a flavour of SD2.0 or Addictive Drums etc. to your drum tracks. These days I use a combination of that and aptrigga2 if I wanna add some straight ahead samples. I strongly recommend you all check out Adam's vid (someone post a link, I'm on my iPhone at the mo). It's basically doing the same thing as Toontrack's Drumtracker, but all from inside Reaper.
lol.. TOTALLY been using this method for fun--> Been using my guitar to trigger some slate samples!

So yes, your guitar is a midi controller to an extent.
Wow, did you come up with that all by yourself ...lol

These tutorials both kick ass. Its really giving me the motivation to really dive in and learn Reaper. 10 years in cakewalk products is a tough habit to break.

You know I'm just fuckin with you anytime I'm being a dick, right? haha