TV Censorship...


Grey Eminence
Sep 30, 2005
Edinburgh, U.K.
Bush Signs Bill Raising Fines for Indecent Broadcasts
As expected, President Bush on Thursday signed into law legislation that increases tenfold the fines broadcasters will have to pay if they violate the FCC's decency rules. At a signing ceremony, Bush remarked, "Broadcasters and the electronics industry must play a valuable role in protecting our children from obscene and indecent programming." Under the new law, the maximum fine is increased to $325,000 per violation from $32,500. Thus CBS's affiliates that were together fined $3,250,000 for airing a racy scene in Without a Trace would have been been fined $32,500,000 under the new law -- or about what it costs to produce all episodes of the series for an entire season.


This is sad news. Networks will be scared to air ANYthing that could possibly jeopardise the show, and thus the networks investment in it. I find it hard to believe the world is becoming so neutered.

Of course objective standards of decency do exist - particularly on television, but I feel this is definitely pandering to busy-bodies with an agenda. I always have to laugh when various complaints come in about a certain scene or TV show, can these people not change TV channels? Can they not supervise their children so that they don't watch anything inappropriate?

Surely the onus is on PARENTS to make sure their children are not watching something they feel might be offensive? This is just another example of the government finding it's way into our minds and homes, when the real responsibility lies with the individual.
I'm not sure how this will work in practice, exactly. I mean, there IS a point where it becomes the censoring opinions, as opposed to protecting children (and the painfully child-like).
The Bush administration has to pander to its core supporters, who depise the filthy gay bastards in Will and Grace and think Parker and Stone are two retarded liberal hippies, so I guess this has been a long time coming.
Well, I'm not sure. Softcore porn, I have no idea.

Hardcore, HELL no. Porn drives parts of the economy. 700 million porn DVD'S, and magazines are sold in the US every year.
How anyone who has read the Bill of Rights still support this douche?

On a smaller scale, it reminds me of a movie theater near me that used to have midnight showings...then were forced to cancel those because parents were whining about their kids being at the theaters all night.

Parents need to take some goddamn responsibility in this country, I swear.
Within ten years, under a continued Republican administration, I'd put money on there being (at the very least) talk of censoring the internet.
Yeah, I read that not long ago, just after I'd posted that. I do think some real discussion will arise about it soon enough, though. Looking upon it as a real possibility. It's a logical step. The internet will eventually have an FCC type watchdog, I'm sure of it. Hell, China is already there!
derek said:
Bush Signs Bill Raising Fines for Indecent Broadcasts
As expected, President Bush on Thursday signed into law legislation that increases tenfold the fines broadcasters will have to pay if they violate the FCC's decency rules. At a signing ceremony, Bush remarked, "Broadcasters and the electronics industry must play a valuable role in protecting our children from obscene and indecent programming." Under the new law, the maximum fine is increased to $325,000 per violation from $32,500. Thus CBS's affiliates that were together fined $3,250,000 for airing a racy scene in Without a Trace would have been been fined $32,500,000 under the new law -- or about what it costs to produce all episodes of the series for an entire season.


This is sad news. Networks will be scared to air ANYthing that could possibly jeopardise the show, and thus the networks investment in it. I find it hard to believe the world is becoming so neutered.

Of course objective standards of decency do exist - particularly on television, but I feel this is definitely pandering to busy-bodies with an agenda. I always have to laugh when various complaints come in about a certain scene or TV show, can these people not change TV channels? Can they not supervise their children so that they don't watch anything inappropriate?

Surely the onus is on PARENTS to make sure their children are not watching something they feel might be offensive? This is just another example of the government finding it's way into our minds and homes, when the real responsibility lies with the individual.
If parents took the responsability of monitoring their children then shit like this wouldnt happen. But when a 14 year old is home alone watching sex, drug abuse and violence on TV because their mother is out getting some, Dads in prision, the chances of that kid being a A+ student is about nill. I dont have the time to tell you about the 14 year old that lives by mt buddies house who just loves to have sex with 20+ year old black guys...for drugs or one who doesnt like people so she has sex with her dog. (I reported that one to DSS). They both come from totally disfunctional familys. Do you think if they had normal loving parents who cared they would do these things?

Its about morality, nothing else. Kids will do the things they see on TV and the internet, from Backyard wrestling to dressing like little whores because that was what they see on MTV to sucking 2 dudes off at the same time because they seen some chick do it on the internet it must be a normal thing to do.
derek said:
Within ten years, under a continued Republican administration, I'd put money on there being (at the very least) talk of censoring the internet.

wasn't there a thread about that on the Philosophy forum? (I lurk there). Something about that Internet 2 nonsense and the government being able to regulate what goes on there and everything
Hawng said:
If parents took the responsability of monitoring their children then shit like this wouldnt happen. But when a 14 year old is home alone watching sex, drug abuse and violence on TV because their mother is out getting some, Dads in prision, the chances of that kid being a A+ student is about nill. I dont have the time to tell you about the 14 year old that lives by mt buddies house who just loves to have sex with 20+ year old black guys...for drugs or one who doesnt like people so she has sex with her dog. (I reported that one to DSS). They both come from totally disfunctional familys. Do you think if they had normal loving parents who cared they would do these things?

Its about morality, nothing else. Kids will do the things they see on TV and the internet, from Backyard wrestling to dressing like little whores because that was what they see on MTV to sucking 2 dudes off at the same time because they seen some chick do it on the internet it must be a normal thing to do.

Valid points. I still believe theres an element to this beyond morality that is simple pandering to the easily offended. I think a point exists where the government begins to meddle in our lives, homes and hearts just too much, and I think thats wrong.

Don't get me wrong, I understand the need to protect children from being exposed to this sorta stuff, but there is a point where it's obvious that the concern of children is lost and it becomes somewhat oppressive.
we should have channels where they only show scenes of things exploding, sex scenes, drug scenes, everything that is morally wrong

I would totally watch those channels
