Twilight in Olympus

ambassador kosh said:
It definitely is a brilliant album with some of my favourite SyX tunes on it. Why wasn't Pharaoh mentioned so far? That one rocks, and I love the agressive feeling in the chorus.

Maybe because that song isn't from Twilight In Olympus? :grin:
Ultimate_Symphony said:
Maybe because that song isn't from Twilight In Olympus? :grin:

Hahaha, you're right of course. Damn, maybe I should quit
...cigarettes in front of my computer. Well, in that case Church of the Machine is my favourite as well. Sonata also is awesome, though it's a cover.

(Sometimes too) Konfused Kosh
Dude, Twilight In Olympus is my favorite Symphony X album. Smoke And Mirrors and Church Of The Machine are worth it alone, but then you have Through The Looking Glass and In The Dragon's Den to back it up. Also, The Relic contains Symphony X's best chorus ever. You can't go wrong. The only song I don't really dig is Orion.
I love the Relic, but I think the best chorus ever is "The Edge of Forever." Relic still has quite the cool, soaring chorus, but I listen to it for the verse.

Haaardened hearts now tremble in the keep... :rock:
I dound it to be an incredible album, and am always suprised to know how little it is appreciated... in any case I still listen to it constantly, many years later
Definitely a great album, but it's hard for me to rank them. I like it better than the 1st two, and less than V. But the rest I guess just kind of depends on my mood. Looking Glass and Church are my favorite tracks...Orion is pretty cool too...I just love the pre-chorus. It gives me chills every time I hear it.
I had "Twilight in Olypus" on at my friends house,
and even with 2 emo kids making out behind
me, the room still felt very metal. :rock:

Nothing can stop Sym-X's power of ROCK!

I just made a post about this album in the "V" topic
if you wanna check my opinion, as unwanted as it may
be. :ill:
I'm happy to say I don't know any "emo kids" ... :grin: I've got my friend-base of two friends and that's all I need! No parties, none of that shit ... I've got better things to do with my time than get thrown into all of these social situations I hate! :) :cool:

About Twilight In Olympus, well, I think it's a great album. Through The Looking Glass is one of my favorite Symphony X tracks and of course all of the Symphony X classics. I still feel that The Relic and Orion (The Hunter) are underrated though ... well, and Sonata/In The Dragon's Den ... I wish they'd play this live!
I agree with the majority that TIO is a very well-rounded album. Great riffs, soaring choruses...flat out kick ass tunes. BTW: Whatever happened to the drummer from this album? He was GOOD. :rock:

Demonspell said:
I think it's a great album, especially given the time constraints...I don't think it sounds rushed at all.

:hypno: Pardon my lack of SX knowledge...but it was rushed? And did I see that FII from DT is also? Hrm...Could somebody fill me in? Thanx in advance! :)
To my understanding the album was rushed mostly because of pressure put on by the label. Apparently it was during the Twilight In Olympus days that the original idea for the Odyssey was thought-upon ... nonetheless, I think it was because of label put on by the label to get another record out like Divine Wings Of Tragedy.

By the way, all of this is basically what Russel and Michael talk about in the Special Edition of Twilight In Olympus ... :loco: