Twilight of The Thundergod Proof of Purchase!!!!


i just got a call saying tomorrow my bobbleheads will be here
i hope none of them are broken :S

Very cool. And the countdown is on.......

i just got a call saying tomorrow my bobbleheads will be here
i hope none of them are broken :S

Get a-hold of yerself fer fuck sakes. This is an Amon Amarth forum. For a second there i thought i had accidentally dialed up a fuckin' Justin Timberlake site or somethin'.

Just take some deep breaths, try to relax and before ye know it ye'll be rubbin' them bobble-heads on yer genitals 'till yer hearts content. Al'right there fella?


Anyhoo... AA sure pulled out all the stops for their new release. Those packages look sweet. I almost regret not ordering one now. Feels like i'm missing out going the iTunes route. :(

Oh, well. Bochum should cheer me up. :D
Here's my proof of purchase!!!
but here is my proof i purchased the box set and LP. again WELL WORTH THE MONEY!

PS: Anyone wanna guess what the runes say hehe hint: it's there for further PROOF that this photo is not taken from the internet.
I take it "Last of the Vikings" sign is your own since no one else had a pic of it. It'd be sweet if something like that came with the set.

Still waiting for mine to come...
PS: Anyone wanna guess what the runes say hehe hint: it's there for further PROOF that this photo is not taken from the internet.

It says last of the vikings. You write a couple runes differently than I do, your sig and fehu runes (you may also have other names for them). Yours seem to be more Saxon than mine.
It's in my car.....I'll take a pic later. I'm too lazy to go outside and take a pic

lol...but I'm the bad guy who *gasp* downloaded it

But I bought it so it's all good :)