Type O Negative Production


Members Only Member
Apr 1, 2008
Osceola Mills, PA
Hey guys, im curious on what people know about the production of TON albums. I know they are all self produced by the band which is cool. I know that 'October Rust' through 'Life is Killing Me' all has programmed drums....but im not sure what programs they used.
I know for the newest album 'Dead Again' they actually had a live drummer...go figure..they let their drummer play on a record, haha.
I heard something about them using Amplitube 2 on the new album...but thats all i know. does anyone know anything else about this band's recording setup?

BTW- they are my fave band!:kickass:
I'd be very interested in this as well.

About 10 years ago, when I met Pete after a show...like the dumb little kid I was, I asked him what he used for his bass tone. He told me to get a cheap chorus and a BOSS orange distortion pedal and just fuck with the knobs until it sounds right.

I know Kenny uses a Triaxis/G-Force/2:90 with a MarkIV for backup live. I even posted pics of this a few months back from a show I was at then, if you search for it (Kenny Hickey Triaxis Settings)

In this article: www.moderndrummer.com/updatefull/200001360
"On the sessions for World Coming Down, Kelly's drum parts were recorded and compiled using the Performer software program, a Mac, and a Kurzweil K2500 sampler."
I'd like to know what was used on "Bloody Kisses" for the guitar tone. For some reason Marshall Valvestate comes to mind. I'd also like to know what was used on Life of Agony's "River Runs Red".

I have always been interested in their production as well. I have a bassplayer mag that features Peter and he talks about his equipment, but nothing regarding their production. I really like the production of World Coming Down.
Want to hear the IMO BEST ever solo tone they have produced (rare tune):

The main hook/solo reminds me of why distortion was invented. I think the secret in the perfect "just out of control but controllable" feedback/overtones is the preamp in his pickup/guitar cavity. I forget the name of it....Sustainer I think. But it is just amazing on the MP3. He is holding on to those feedbacking notes like he is taming a wild stallion.

They recorded it for a WWE thing and it never got used.
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Anyway, I think the secret in his great tone is the distorted bass (which they also key a keyboard part over) along with the sustainer.
Want to hear the IMO BEST ever solo tone they have produced (rare tune):


The main hook/solo reminds me of why distortion was invented. I think the secret in the perfect "just out of control but controllable" feedback/overtones is the preamp in his pickup/guitar cavity. I forget the name of it....Sustainer I think. But it is just amazing on the MP3. He is holding on to those feedbacking notes like he is taming a wild stallion.

They recorded it for a WWE thing and it never got used.

That was bad-ass, sounds like something from the 12 black rainbows/Its never enough/stay out of my dreams sessions. :rock:
Found something on Harmony Central (http://www.harmony-central.com/Guitar/Data/Tech_21/SansAmp_PSA_1_Preamp-9.html)

"I was going to get another one, but decided to check out the PSA-1 which was suggested to me by Kenny Hickey (Type O Negative). He said he loved his PSA-1, so I checked one out and the rest is history."

Found this too (http://acapella.harmony-central.com/showthread.php?t=1029370), but I don't know how accurate it is...

"Kenny Hickey's tone, not to mention Pete Steele's, has always been top notch. The cool thing is that they both used the cheapest gear for such a long time. Pre WCD was an ADA MP-1 with an Alesis Quadraverb for fx into a Mosvalve 500. Now though, he uses a Triaxis with a G-Major into a 2:90. Pete has always Peavey Max Bass Preamps with a slew of BOSS pedals into Peavey CS power amps. His cabs are 2x10s and 1x18s! Their live tone is definitely something to relish."
Kenny Hickey uses a Fernandes Sustainer quite extensively...so does Pete. I think he uses it the most tastefully way, and it's almost like it's his stamp...you almost know it's him whenever you hear it.

Thought so. I was going to install one, then I saw how much space they took up and started screaming uncontrollably.
Well, to be honest there isn't a whole lot out there for knowledge on the pre-WCD discs. I've scoured the internet in the past, and even a lot of articles I know I've read before are gone. Short of asking the guys in the band I think most of that info may be lost to time.

I know they pretty much record exclusively at Systems Two in NYC.