Type while headbanging


valfri baguette
Oct 19, 2007
I literally just thought this up
have a go, heres my attempt

amon amrtyn tuler
(amon amarth rule)
hahah well done joe

i think abiyr sex alk rhw rimw
(i think about sex all the time)
amaon,a amarth rile

that was my little attempt for "amon amarth rule", but i must admit I didn't headbang extreemly hard.
I am an evil man!

That's a line from The Hero, which I'm listening to. I also had my eyes closed while typing and headbanging.

And I headbanged so hard that my head hurts now.

amon amarth rule

ow my neck hurts ive been headbanging for like six hours


amon amarth rule

I am posting on the amon amarth fourm
(I am posting on the amon amarth forum)

I guess I'm just good at typing...
Tomorrow... for now, my neck needs rest. Amon Amarth on Friday, Opeth yesterday... that's too much head banging for one week.