Ross valfri baguette Oct 19, 2007 4,904 2 36 england Oct 7, 2008 #1 I literally just thought this up have a go, heres my attempt amon amrtyn tuler (amon amarth rule)
A amon666 Member Jul 9, 2007 2,659 0 36 London, ON, Canada Oct 7, 2008 #2 i always type and headbang, i'll try later to write somthing, since im in computer lab at the moment
Thimon Member Jul 23, 2008 811 0 16 Bavaria, Germany Oct 7, 2008 #3 Rofl here's my attempt on the same words: amon amarttg rulr
False Joe Who cares. Oct 12, 2007 7,498 1 36 34 Sheep fucking land somewhere. Oct 7, 2008 #4 amon amarth rule No joke. I just have a worrying knowledge of where stuff is on the keyboard
Ross valfri baguette Oct 19, 2007 4,904 2 36 england Oct 7, 2008 #5 hahah well done joe i think abiyr sex alk rhw rimw (i think about sex all the time)
False Joe Who cares. Oct 12, 2007 7,498 1 36 34 Sheep fucking land somewhere. Oct 7, 2008 #6 o yjoml snpiyu drc s;;; ukt up.t More like it. I tried to type while windmilling.
Celtik Militia Dumb French Bastard Aug 12, 2004 1,393 2 38 38 Paris Oct 7, 2008 #7 amaon,a amarth rile that was my little attempt for "amon amarth rule", but i must admit I didn't headbang extreemly hard.
amaon,a amarth rile that was my little attempt for "amon amarth rule", but i must admit I didn't headbang extreemly hard.
VinlandViking Member Jul 20, 2008 216 0 16 Oct 7, 2008 #8 I am an evil man! That's a line from The Hero, which I'm listening to. I also had my eyes closed while typing and headbanging. And I headbanged so hard that my head hurts now.
I am an evil man! That's a line from The Hero, which I'm listening to. I also had my eyes closed while typing and headbanging. And I headbanged so hard that my head hurts now.
L33ch Friend of the Suncross Jul 20, 2005 471 0 16 36 Netherlands Oct 7, 2008 #9 this is my attepmtp! not bad if I do say so myself
Vilewoman BitchWurst Nov 22, 2007 3,148 0 36 Wurstland Oct 7, 2008 #10 amon amarth rule Oh ja, I rule!
Ozzloaf Art Geek Jun 14, 2008 1,769 0 36 Oct 7, 2008 #11 headbanging: amon amarth rule ow my neck hurts ive been headbanging for like six hours windmilling: amon amarth rule I am posting on the amon amarth fourm (I am posting on the amon amarth forum) I guess I'm just good at typing...
headbanging: amon amarth rule ow my neck hurts ive been headbanging for like six hours windmilling: amon amarth rule I am posting on the amon amarth fourm (I am posting on the amon amarth forum) I guess I'm just good at typing...
A amon666 Member Jul 9, 2007 2,659 0 36 London, ON, Canada Oct 7, 2008 #12 or your not headbanging right! we demand a video!
Ozzloaf Art Geek Jun 14, 2008 1,769 0 36 Oct 7, 2008 #13 Tomorrow... for now, my neck needs rest. Amon Amarth on Friday, Opeth yesterday... that's too much head banging for one week.
Tomorrow... for now, my neck needs rest. Amon Amarth on Friday, Opeth yesterday... that's too much head banging for one week.
VinlandViking Member Jul 20, 2008 216 0 16 Oct 7, 2008 #14 Ozzloaf said: Tomorrow... for now, my neck needs rest. Amon Amarth on Friday, Opeth yesterday... that's too much head banging for one week. Click to expand... I did 12 hours of headbanging in one day making a music video for school.
Ozzloaf said: Tomorrow... for now, my neck needs rest. Amon Amarth on Friday, Opeth yesterday... that's too much head banging for one week. Click to expand... I did 12 hours of headbanging in one day making a music video for school.
VinlandViking Member Jul 20, 2008 216 0 16 Oct 7, 2008 #16 amon666 said: link? Click to expand... If you're talking about the music video that I made, no. This was before youtube was around.
amon666 said: link? Click to expand... If you're talking about the music video that I made, no. This was before youtube was around.
A amon666 Member Jul 9, 2007 2,659 0 36 London, ON, Canada Oct 7, 2008 #17 but thats not fair, if it was before youtube it means you were way younger (since you are 17), so technically you had less brain cells to worry about or kill haha
but thats not fair, if it was before youtube it means you were way younger (since you are 17), so technically you had less brain cells to worry about or kill haha
Achtland ^^goddess^^ Sep 20, 2007 834 0 16 The Beach Oct 7, 2008 #19 pretened to spank me I'm s assudo ammakist Pretend to spank me - I'm a pseudo-masochist!
A amon666 Member Jul 9, 2007 2,659 0 36 London, ON, Canada Oct 7, 2008 #20 buy mt s[er, amd droml ot (buy my sperm and drink it)