UAD Nigel


Aug 13, 2009
Just bought one of these off ebay and it's in the mail.

i've heard it does well on bass so for $150 i thought it was worth the try as bass is my weakpoint esspecialy with podfarm.

just wondering if anyone has any helpful info on using it. best amps to use etc. regardless i will play around with everything (being a new toy and all), but would love hear anything killer that any of you guys have come up with. Not asking for settings here, just amp/cab combos etc!


here's a starter for you UAD users

UAD Preflex Mono

Compressor section:
-30 gate
-20 compression threshold
ratio 6:1
attack (medium, but varies from player / song)
release (fast, but varies from player / song)
engage the "boost" button

Preflex section:
lo 6
mid 6
high 9
color 6
bent 6
lo 0
mid -9
hi +6
output 0

amp - A: bassmon or gemini
bright button turned off
morph 100% to the LEFT

turn the cab off

gemini tends to work better with cleaner stuff, and active pickups sound great on this
get new strings if you're missing some attack. go to the source before tweaking knobs. blue steel strings are nice on passive pickups. bassmon rocks for the grunge gain.
I moved this from the other thread, seems more appropiate here.

I emailed Universal Audio about Nigel and this was their response:


I was wondering if I want Nigel (I mean this thing: ), do I have to buy UAD-1 second hand or can I get it for UAD-2 too? And if not, why was it discontinued?

Anssi Tenhunen

Hi Sir,

The Nigel was part of the discontinued UAD-1 product line.

In a nutshell, we decided to not carry it on to the UAD-2 line due to lack of demand/interest.

You would have to acquire a used UAD-1 to use the Nigel.


Dave Roda
Universal Audio-Customer Service
That's a good starting point but you're always going to be tweaking the hell out of it because every bass, hand, string, genre, band is different so you're going to have to tweak just like any other type of amp
Watching this thread as well since im soon picking up a UAD1 card.
For the people already using it, do you use only nigel for the low end AND dist/twang track ?

Also if anyone have some cool things to try when you get it then feel free to chime in :)
Few questions, can I get Nigel, and how much does it go for. And how exactly does it work? (brief explanation is fine)

you need to find a UAD-1 card. these come in PCI and PCIe, check which one will fit in your pc.

they come up on ebay quite regulary, and sell from $120-$180.

they work like any other plugin once installed, but they are running off the card instead of your pc.
i got a uad1 in australia for 100 bucks. which i thought was good value. came with the 1176 and la2a comps as well :D

basically, i find that preflex just exaggerates all the best parts about a bass tone. and naturally, for this, you need a good bass with fresh strings or it wont sound good. period.