So I've been having technical troubles with my PC for a few months now. They were fairly intermittent, but getting to a point where it was really impacting my ability to work. Today was the last straw.
So while I was swapping every piece of hardware imaginable in order to diagnose this thing I noticed something...
I pulled out my low performance 1TB Caviar Green drive, which stored all my misc. files, videos etc..... or so I thought. I run my system with the drive out and realize.... hey, I still have access to all these files, wtf.
Do some snooping around and realize that for the last 2 years I've been running my non-essential storage crap off my high performance RAID0 array, and my crucial DAW sessions have been running off the shitty Caviar Green drive uke:
Shuffling all my files around atm to make it right...
So while I was swapping every piece of hardware imaginable in order to diagnose this thing I noticed something...
I pulled out my low performance 1TB Caviar Green drive, which stored all my misc. files, videos etc..... or so I thought. I run my system with the drive out and realize.... hey, I still have access to all these files, wtf.
Do some snooping around and realize that for the last 2 years I've been running my non-essential storage crap off my high performance RAID0 array, and my crucial DAW sessions have been running off the shitty Caviar Green drive uke:
Shuffling all my files around atm to make it right...