Uber-smashing... Good pumping?


Apr 14, 2005
everrot, WA
So, I'm trying to get that "good pump" sound going on here. I'ts kind of a bitch to get ITB. I don't have any awesome waves plugins or anything either so no gssl or anything else awesome like that to instant magic. I 've got the sonalksis mastering comp and elephant smashing the tits out of this, with a little bit of ozone 4's tape sat. The vocalist wants the music to pump kinda hard. I went for a similar sound to Textures Silhouettes album, but with my own guitar tone and and all that stuff. I like how that album pumps. It sounds so fucking awesome. I'm currently nowhere near there. lol. Ozone doesn't seem to quite smooth things out enough sometimes so the pump doesn't stab your eardrum with the kick/snare. I've spent so long getting my "premasters" to loudness without pumping and keeping as much impact from the drums as I can. Now, trying for a smoother sound is kind of awkward! What do you guys do for sweet pumping goodness (Logic 8)? Or am I gunna get no help again. :lol:


Does this sound "OK"? (for being smashed to bits)