Uderrated Gems

Infernali1 said:
Definitely agree with comments about Born Again. I think Flick of the Switch awas way better than For Those About to Rock that preceded it.

For some reason I can't find anyone who likes Diamond Head's Canterbury or Kiss's Music From the Elder albums. I think both are really good. OK, the DH album is verging off metal territory at times but I think it was panned in metal cos they didnt know how to take it. Other albums I think are under rated:
Sword - Metalized
Accept - Accept

I gave up my infinity for KISS (and my CDs) sometime back. But, rest assured I was a huge fan back in the day, and still remember every last song on The Elder, which I thought was a very good record. Just A Boy, Under the Rose, The Oath....and many more good tunes.
Fangface said:
I'll stick to classic bands :)

Black Sabbath - Born Again (the music was 100% Sabbath, only the vocals weren't... and Gillan rules!), also Dehumanizer
Judas Priest - Sin after Sin (killer drumming on this one! and varied material as usual)
Thin Lizzy - Renegade (keyboards, yeah... so what? :D)

I don't consider "Born Again" underrated, I believe is pretty much accepted in general by metalheads. "Dehumanizer" on the other hand is probably underrated, or maybe overlooked since it's stuck in the middle of Tony Martin era.

I disagree also with SAS. No way that can be underrated, "Rockarolla" may be, even "Jugulator" (over a vodka overdose :Spin: ), but "Sin After Sin" it's a goddamn classic, a must be in any collection and filled with great songs.

As for "Renegade" it's very underrated, but then again Thin Lizzy is very underrated (monstrous sin but true :erk: ). "Renegade" had the bad luck to came overshadowed but other releases of 1982. It's also the last TL album I purchased (when I finally finished the collection) and one of the dearest in my heart. 'Hollywood (down on your luck)', 'Renegade', 'Fats', 'Leave This Town' and 'Angel Of Death' are astounding songs drenched in a rare magic seldom found in albums IMO.

NP: Kurgan's Bane - 'Frankie Five Angels'
Since nobody mentioned them; all the Anacrusis albums.

For those new to this band check out this page:

http://apogee.whack.org/~ken/anacrusis media/anac_MP3.htm

where you can hear all their albums, demo's and some live gigs!

They were an amazing band that started out as a very raw thrash band and progressed to a more innovative style without losing their edge and power.

Anacrusis remains to this day perhaps the most underrated band from the late 80s early 90s.

NP: Firewind - Burning Earth
Infernali1 said:
Sword - Metalized
MOST DEFINITELY! Sword put out two albums (Metalized and Sweet Dreams) in the late 80s and they were some of my crowd's favorite hidden gems. We'd play them at parties sometimes, without telling anyone who it was. Invariably, we'd have drunken partygoers (including chicks) come up and ask "Who is this? It's great!" If you guys (and gals) haven't checked out Metalized, I suggest you do so right away. Awesome songwriting, killer solos, great vocals, and production that was beyond it's time.
Fates Warning - Perfect Symmetry
Rarely mentioned when any discussion of the band comes about. Some of their best work is on here, taking their new direction but still keeping elements from the previous albums. Intricate and Complex, but not to be Flashy. And in my opinion, this (along with Parallels) is Ray Alders best vocals he ever laid to disc.

Oh, I'll throw Queensryche - Rage For Order and Metal Church - Hanging In The Balance up there as well.
Break Zero said:
Fates Warning - Perfect Symmetry
Rarely mentioned when any discussion of the band comes about. Some of their best work is on here, taking their new direction but still keeping elements from the previous albums. Intricate and Complex, but not to be Flashy. And in my opinion, this (along with Parallels) is Ray Alders best vocals he ever laid to disc.

Oh, I'll throw Queensryche - Rage For Order and Metal Church - Hanging In The Balance up there as well.
Good ones. Speaking of QR, I think 'Promised Land' gets overlooked quite frequently, but I love that album.
TheWhisper said:
I've just recently started posting here on the OS forum, mostly post on the Progpower USA forum, and a few others, but having just turned 40 I thought the Old School forum was a good place for me.

Welcome aboard! You and I shot the breeze for a while in the VIP area during the pre-party. I remember your shirt being your avatar. Or the other way around. :grin:
TheWhisper said:
I've just recently started posting here on the OS forum, mostly post on the Progpower USA forum, and a few others, but having just turned 40 I thought the Old School forum was a good place for me. Anyway, if this kinda thread has been brought up before...my appologies. Give me your 'underrated gems', meaning albums by artists that are usually over looked when discussing their 'best' work.

I'll start with one of my fave artists Alice Cooper. Everyone always mentions Billion Dollar Babies, Killer, Nightmare, etc., but one of my fave Coop' albums is 'From the Inside'. It is often forgotten, but has been a fave since the day I brought it home.

I love that album too! And welcome to the forum... I may not be a youngster anymore (26 yrs old) but you don't need to turn 40 to have great taste in music and the classics :)
Trixxi Trash said:
I have to go "Raise Your Fist & Yell" by Alice Cooper!! And totally agree on From The Inside as well, great album!!!

KISS - Crazy Nights, Asylum & Hot In The Shade. Their best era!!!! I actually do think Unmasked is underrated, and a better album than Dynasty for sure. And I think Destroyer is criminally OVERRATED and my least favourite make-up album.

Ratt - Detonator. Desmond Child!!!! My favourite Ratt album (*just* ahead of Invasion of your Privacy) but a totally overlooked one.

But of course... it has the delightful "Roses on White Lace" :rock:
Also underrated :
Stormwitch : first five albums (I couldn´t hold back the joy because of the re-issue):Spin:
Raven : Heads up EP ("Are we all together?) harhar Totally cult! :rock:
Wheezer said:
Welcome aboard! You and I shot the breeze for a while in the VIP area during the pre-party. I remember your shirt being your avatar. Or the other way around. :grin:
Yes, I remember talking to you - a lot of that night is fuzzy, though...damn beer. The skellie logo is Social Distortion's mascot, sort of, so I wore the shirt to make it easy for people to identify me...worked pretty well.
What's up Whisper! You going to the Jon Oliva show next week? We'll be there for sure. Should be another killer show by them.

As for underrated gems. I think Savatage's 'Poets and Madmen' is damn good. A matter of fact I listened to it today and forgot how good it was. I kind of shelved it for a while and it was refreshing to hear it again today. It seems alot of fans didn't like that album.

Another is 'Falling Into Infinity' by Dream Theater. Many people don't like this one, but I enjoy it quite a bit. It's more song oriented like their last one 'Octavarium' if you ask me.

'Presence' by Zeppelin is another that seems to be overlooked ny many.
SavaRon said:
'Presence' by Zeppelin is another that seems to be overlooked ny many.

You are so right about that! I love that album.

Another I'd like to add is Helstar's "Nosferatu". Its a masterpiece of technique en melody.
just about any Raven album!!!
Sword - Metallized
Any Lillian Axe!
White Wolf - Standing Alone
Jackal - Vague Visions (Holy Shit, this band is/was a Kick-Mutha-Fuckin-Ass band!!!)
Iron Maiden - Brave New World
Any VOI VOD, thier latest kicks ass!
Warrior - Fighting for the Earth!
The Scream
CJSS - World Gone Mad
Anthrax - Sound of White Noise
Dirty Deeds - Real World
The Screaming Jets - All For One
Lizzy Borden - Visual Lies...

Shit... this could go on forever!
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
If you guys (and gals) haven't checked out Metalized, I suggest you do so right away. Awesome songwriting, killer solos, great vocals, and production that was beyond it's time.

I totally agree, great stuff!
I'd add Morgoth "Odium", Riot "The Privilege Of Power" (insane brass parts!), Heavens Gate "Planet E.", King Diamond "The Spider's Lullabye" and Mercyful Fate "9" (maybe their best release in my book)