UFOMAMMUT - Lucifer Songs

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
W.T.F. !!!!!!!! I had NO idea that this was coming out!!!! :kickass:

Ufomammut is like gobbling aural acid. It’s an individual experience filled with raucous highs, despairing lows and a inkling of paranoia, that, if left unchecked, could be a precipice crumbling beneath you.

Ufomammut is the audio component of the eclectic multi-media artistic collective Malleus, both long-running staples in the stoner/doom scene. For those of you familiar with Ufomammut, their sound is instantly recognizable but painfully hard to define. Not unlike Justice Stewart’s famous line about obscenity, where he “knows it when he sees it”, with Ufomammut, “I know it when I hear it”.

A good stab a Ufomammutmusic is that it’s usually dark, somewhat foreboding, and always hypnotic,like a more ill-boding offshoot of Kraut rock. Ufomamut blends the massive bottom line usually indigenous to stoner rock, the dread of doom, and the head fuckery of prime psychedelia into one tremendous beast. Their newest, Lucifer’s Songs doesn’t stray from that tried and true formula explored on [url= http://www.hellridemusic.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2381]Godlike Snake and [url= http://www.hellridemusic.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2719]Snail King[/i] before it. The notable exception is that this time Ufomammut broke out numerous vintage electronics in their task to make you astral plane in your desk chair. The result sounds like Circle on a trip to hell.

It should be noted that in true Malleus fashion, Lucifer Song will be a multi-media affair, released in both CD and LP format, each coming with a DVD that will house 3 video clips as well as the entire album in “soundscape”.

Should be a trip. Literally.

- Chris Barnes
i can't thank you enough for introducing me to these dudes. :kickass:

they embody the perfect balance between stoner and doom as far as i'm concerned, like a giant bloody skull used for a bong.
It's decent... but it's not that great in my opinion. Aside from the fact that all of Chris Barnes's opinions are not credible (pfft, I mean if he doesn't think Six Feet Under is bland...) his statement concerning their sound having a sense of "psychadelia" is way off. I know "psychadelia" this is clearly nothing of the sort.
E-bortion said:
It's decent... but it's not that great in my opinion. Aside from the fact that all of Chris Barnes's opinions are not credible (pfft, I mean if he doesn't think Six Feet Under is bland...) his statement concerning their sound having a sense of "psychadelia" is way off. I know "psychadelia" this is clearly nothing of the sort.

You need to hear the rest of the album. It is fucking great and psychedelic.

Also, that isn;t Chris Barnes of SFU or CB, he runs Hellride Music. lol
Also, if that element IS there, it's overshadowed by typical doomcore, thus completely pointless.
Doomcifer said:
You need to hear the rest of the album. It is fucking great and psychedelic.

Also, that isn;t Chris Barnes of SFU or CB, he runs Hellride Music. lol

ROFL. oops. Eh, Nad, I call upon you to upload one of their so called "psychadellic" tracks, then prepare for more bitching. :cool:
From the tracks that I've heard there is clearly nothing "psychedelic." Sounds like someone’s just using buzz words to push their music. Other people whom consider themselves part of psychedelia would agree. A funny noise here or there, a weird riff with effects, or even a complex layer with "trippy" stuff doesn’t make something psychedelic. Wacky noise does not qualify as something psychedelic. This element that you see as psychedelic, I see as a cheap shot to people who know the definition of such. Go do some lsd buddy, then you can call it psychedelic if it hits you the same way, but I doubt it would :) To submit that you think something is psychedelic is to also submit that you’ve been there and done that. That you’ve taken hallucinogens/psychedelics, that you’ve experienced egoloss, that you have any idea what the fuck the word means, beyond a linquistic level. Says Ufomammut in an interview with Hellride, "About psycho drugs …we don't need them, but we're not against them… We want to explore our minds staying perfectly tuned on what we are doing. Human mind can be so deep and strange without external help. Anyway sometimes we drink some beers with friends." Considering that they've no experience with psychedellics, it is impossible for them to know the basis of anything that someone would consider "psychedellic." They may be spiritual guys, they may be "in touch" but that doesn't change the fact that there music is seemingly something that it is not. [/crazy tangent]


This isnt a pick at any of you, rather, the band. As if they will ever read a post on a forum they've never heard of :lol:
You don't need acid to experience ego-loss. Although, it is the easy way to do it, I suppose. Those days are way behind me now though for I'd probably go on a mass-murdering spree if I dropped a couple geltabs or blotter, took DXM, or a high dose of shrooms. Those were the days. :kickass:
Doomcifer said:
You don't need acid to experience ego-loss. Although, it is the easy way to do it, I suppose. Those days are way behind me now though for I'd probably go on a mass-murdering spree if I dropped a couple geltabs or blotter, took DXM, or a high dose of shrooms. Those were the days. :kickass:

I've been there. :) I've had several experiences with shamanic doses of DXM, I've done great acid (people, lsd is not gone, thats bullshit) and shrooms I do every now and then. I haven't done anything in awhile though and don't plan to. I go by Terrence Mckenna's rule of thumb now. Don't trip small doses all of the time, you lose your perspective. Trip little and trip hard. Otherwise the gates aren't opened. Once those gates are opened however, the path is best walked through with sobriety :cool: You have to understand where I'm coming from with this band though. I mean, like them all you want and no harm done. Little things like that just piss me off. It's as if theyre unintentionally mocking people like myself.
E-bortion said:
I've been there. :) I've had several experiences with shamanic doses of DXM, I've done great acid (people, lsd is not gone, thats bullshit) and shrooms I do every now and then. I haven't done anything in awhile though and don't plan to. I go by Terrence Mckenna's rule of thumb now. Don't trip small doses all of the time, you lose your perspective. Trip little and trip hard. Otherwise the gates aren't opened. Once those gates are opened however, the path is best walked through with sobriety :cool: You have to understand where I'm coming from with this band though. I mean, like them all you want and no harm done. Little things like that just piss me off. It's as if theyre unintentionally mocking people like myself.

Yeah, they aren't psychedelic through and through. They are more like psychedelic-lite.....like marijuana. :D They aren't even close to stuff like Brast Burn - Debon or some of the other crazy stuff that came out in the late 60's, early 70's. I think they fit more into the term "stoner", which is like I said psychedelic-lite. You have your LSD, then you have your marijuana, so to speak. :cool:
PS - those higher plateau trips off DXM are INSANE. I was so disassociated with myself, I was sure I was dead...but it was all good. Language is WAY too limited to even begin to attempt at describing those feelings.
Doomcifer said:
PS - those higher plateau trips off DXM are INSANE. I was so disassociated with myself, I was sure I was dead...but it was all good. Language is WAY too limited to even begin to attempt at describing those feelings.

Been there. All I can say is "yup" and smile hahaha. :lol:
Doomcifer said:
I think they fit more into the term "stoner", which is like I said psychedelic-lite. You have your LSD, then you have your marijuana, so to speak. :cool:
agreed, like to the max. :Spin:

ufomammut - blotch

worth hearing for the movie sample at the end, at the very least. :kickass: