Ufomammut - Snailking


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Needs its own thread dammit! Awesome psychadelic stoner crap, you can feel the bongs bubbling when this disc spins. One of three albums fighting for the top spot in my year end list right now.

I still need to buy it, I just have a CD-R... D'OH.
Yes, great, great album but you do need to appreciate the psychadelic thing in the first place. If not, then it doesn't have much use for you.

It was a little overshadowed by Mars de Grises when I heard them back to back, but I know it's good enough to explore further. I will dedicate some time to this album this week for sure.

I'm beginning to start filtering for the homestretch now -- we're almost in November already.
Hopscotch = best song this year by a mile.

This year flew by. I mean absolutely flew. I'm still looking at calendars thinking "200...3? 4? oh yeah, 4" and it's almost over. FEHK.
Scored this for $4.99 used yesterday. COCOCOROESEREE

But that's not the point of this thread. The point is to get everyone to buy this album because it rules. Dear [insert name of person reading this sentence], go buy them shits. You shall enjoy it.
Sure didn't! I plan on checking my mail today though. :loco:

You should get this, I think you would highly enjoy it.
I brought this with me to Chicago this week!! I'll listen to some tonight if I don't fall asleep. I had to be up at 3:30am this morning...if you can call that morning, ugh. :ill:
Im really going to have to be good and not piss anyone off, as this music you guys have been recommending is unbelievably good, yet horribly obscure enough I would never find it on my own.