uggghhh: the "i think i'm getting sick" thread


Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington
edit: "the fuck, i'm fucking sick thread"

fuck, a couple of my friends have been laid low with teh flu, i think it's my turn :cry:

feel kinda overheated, achy...exhausted too, fuckin waste of a saturday :cry:
I'm a hypochondriac so I'll try not to post in this thread to much. I'm suddenly reminded of the time when I was a little kid and first learned about AIDS in school. I went home and promptly announced I had AIDS. I've been a hypochondriac for a long time apparently. :tickled:
Thanatopsis123 said:
I'm a hypochondriac so I'll try not to post in this thread to much. I'm suddenly reminded of the time when I was a little kid and first learned about AIDS in school. I went home and promptly announced I had AIDS. I've been a hypochondriac for a long time apparently. :tickled:

hahahhahahhahahhhahhahaha :lol:
I hate that waiting period, although I generally start pounding vitamin C to try and fend it off, which seems to work a lot of the time.

Had a nasty flu a few months ago oh man I couldn't fucking move for like 2 days.
hahaha oh man it's getting worse as i post, i just went to get a glass of water and my hands are shaking so much from chills i was spilling it, haha i can barely type

oh boy i am FUCKED :tickled:
i never get flu shots, unfortunately...maybe it would be wise to do so in the future, one of these years it's gonna be 1919 all over again and there's gonna be a huge flu epidemic

time to watch some mystery science theater 3000 and peace the fuck out, hope i don't wake up retching :erk:
cthulufhtagn said:
hahaha oh man it's getting worse as i post, i just went to get a glass of water and my hands are shaking so much from chills i was spilling it, haha i can barely type

oh boy i am FUCKED :tickled:
get to sleep damnit!

It directly affects the strenght of your defense system
Which Dark Fortress album should I buy? I've heard 2 songs from each of their albums and am unable to decide. Im fucking dead tired. So can someone just pick for me so I can go to bed?

Oh and get well soon Cthulufhtagn
Doomcifer said:
ziggyzgiggyzaaa azzaaa seaay tayyaaa zzssaaa]
I think it's ironic that I didn't get this at first, and now that I just took a sip of beer, I do. :tickled:
some virus has been traveling around lately and its a bad one ... been sick for almost 3 weeks, not layed out in bed sick, but something is still in my system ... been coughing like a hiena, expecially at night, spitting out green shit in the mornings ...
some people I deal with daily in europe have experienced the same ... doctors there tell them to expect 2 months to fully clear the shit out.

I blame this goddamn dry air in the house and too much heat, outdoors I feel ok.
bird flu maybe? ive already had it and beat it so it's possible. good luck matt!