Holy crap I'm stoned - the thread

Lies and Perfidy

Gentleman of the Road
Nov 27, 2002
Washington, Washing-Ton
Because we already have a drunk thread; why not a stoned thread? I know it's sure as hell gonna be useful.

This first post is actually kinda posthumous stoner appreciation–I'm not stoned right now. But I feel last night was worth mentioning. I referred to my arms as "monkey tentacles," and then walked my character around in World of Warcraft trying to kill things for ten minutes before I realized I didn't have any armor and was using a skinning knife to fight. Later I came up with at least 80 ideas for a metal webcomic NicodemiX and I have been talking about for a while, and wrote them down. Unfortunately, I ended up wiping up ketchup with the paper and throwing it away somewhere. They were probably illegible anyway...last time I wrote down something while REALLY stoned (movie ideas), it began "King of the Penguins (what the fuck?)"

Your turn.
I got really really high last night, by myself. I've never been stoned alone, it was fun. I watched the Boondock Saints and kept thinking "man, I wish I could move because then I'd go listen to some Pink Floyd." Shortly afterwards I passed out.
Why is reefer madness still alive and well? That's something that will always perplex me.

That was directed at whoever rated this thread 2-stars, I'm sure it was one of the anti-pot regulars who consume as much alcohol that I do. Way to get your facts straight, foolz. :loco:
Yeah, even somone who doesn't like reefer should respect the fact that it is no worse than the massive amounts of alcohol they consume.
Doomcifer said:
Reefer > Alcohol

just my .02

Hm... I'm going to say that the two equal each other. They are good for different times. When you want to chill, obviously you go with the first. When you want thrashdevustruktionheadbangsuperdeathsquad energy, you have some drinks. The good thing about reefer is that you don't feel like you got hit in the head with a fat 5 year-old the next morning.
I prefer getting drunk to getting stoned, but both are great. As far as the physical, mental, and societal effect weed is infinitely safer than alcohol.

Drunk + stoned = total fucking win. Although if you don't do it right you'll end up horking and/or passing out. 4 beers + 2 rips = good times.
Ive actually been cutting back from Delta 9 lately and drinking a little more. My tolernace became so high it was absurd so Ive limited myself to days when I dont have college and weekends. But overall, Marijuana>>>Alcohol.
Doomcifer said:
I don't know. Lately, if around people while drinking, I get strong urges to rip everyone's insides out.
Being sober around drunks is like the worst thing ever.
Got stoned a couple of nights ago... my girlfriend and I had conversations that lasted reasonable lengths of time, but consisted only of insanely random and unintelligible gibberish! It was great!
Doomcifer said:
I don't know. Lately, if around people while drinking, I get strong urges to rip everyone's insides out.

heh, I'm like that most of the time around drunks wheither I am drunk myself or not.

<New Year's Eve>
*we get on the bus, sit down and start blabbering*
*two middle aged women get on the bus*
John (extremely intoxicated): HEY LITTLE GIRL!
*we give looks of disapproval* Us: shut up dude
Ron (also extremely intoxicated): Really? DUDE YOU SHOULD BE IN PORN!
Me: I don't know these people.
</New Year's Eve>
JayKeeley said:
Probably something to do with the fact that alcohol is a depressant.

Naa. The depressant quality usually affects me up to a couple days after. Even sober, I have strong urges for annihilation for some reason which probably stems from my contempt for the general population and their "ways." Put me in the middle of a crowd and skew my judgement even more, and I have stronger desires to act out my thoughts.

I need a prescription of Fukitol. :tickled:

The depressant thing affects me in the long run, short term very rarely. When I'm drinking less than usual for a few weeks my general demeanor is more positive.