loudsilence said:
Well find out how to set everything up for that.
Well if you probably won't still then just tell her
You're not gonna get tutored by a group of people, it's going to be one person. So your social anxiety excuse goes out the window there.
Sometimes the simplest advice is the best, and i believe this is a case of it.
Stygian all you need to do is deal with things. Instead of trying to find the absolute perfect road forward just go out and for a day or two just swallow all those anxiety feelings and do the stuff you need to. You can dismiss this advice because it sounds too simple, or you can act on it and try it and see what comes of it. Anxiety is not justified a lot of times, and the things you worry about will often never even be half as bad as you worry they will be (to clarify, 'you' in this sentence is the collective one meaning everyone). But no amount of thinking or advice about it will ever convince yourself of it. The way to overcome it is to start just saying 'fuck it', like Desecrated said. Just get out there, take those steps you need to, and you'll start to see things are a lot easier this way. It won't happen over night, but if you do it consistantly and force yourself to just do things then eventually you'll find you naturally stop getting so anxious. Anxiety doesn't have to stop you doing things, it'll just make you feel like absolute shit leading up to doing them (so accept this and realise that once you do the things you get to relax about them).
Get some research about summer school and then when you tell your mum you can say that and she will see that you are at least trying to do the right thing. And you should tell her anyway, do you want to fail? Sometimes this is what family or friends are there to do, to FORCE us to do the things we would rather not do, because they know it's for the better. And you know it's for the better too.
Good luck, and don't dismiss what Desecrated has advised. Don't assume he never had it as bad as you. These things CAN be overcome, but you won't achieve it in the ways you think you will.. it just takes a change of mind. You don't even have to believe this change of mind, just lie to yourself, get your body to do things and your mind will catch up and believe it later.
loudsilence said:
Is it just me or does he ask for advice then tell everyone off for giving advice he doesn't like? He's done it like 3 or 4 times by my count.
3 or 4 times? Maybe YOU are the one who needs math help!!!