Ultimate Metal Band Game

BANNEDadrian said:
lol, you guys apparently forgot to implement the most important rule - you HAVE to both deduct 2 points AND add 2 points

the way it's going now, we'll have like a 9-way tie

Devin Townsend Band got bumped.
soundave said:
Devin Townsend Band got bumped.
sure, but 8 out of the 9 bands still alive right now have more points than they started out with. poor planning, i say
BANNEDadrian said:
sure, but 8 out of the 9 bands still alive right now have more points than they started out with. poor planning, i say

Gotcha. Only 6 bands have dropped out? Hmmm...
20- Arcturus
14- Borknagar
17- Agalloch
16- Dan Swanö's Moontower
17- Edge of Sanity (-2)
19- Disillusion
17- Nightingale
09- Moonsorrow
25- Vintersorg (+2)
BANNEDadrian said:
sure, but 8 out of the 9 bands still alive right now have more points than they started out with. poor planning, i say

It is supposed to happen that way. Each time a band gets out, the total adds up to 10 more than the original total.
But yes, that rule needs to be enforced.
Braighs said:
It is supposed to happen that way. Each time a band gets out, the total adds up to 10 more than the original total.
But yes, that rule needs to be enforced.

Right. So somewhere, someone screwed up. My tally comes to 154. Shouldn't it be 150? Or am I as big of a math idiot as I'm afraid I am?
soundave said:
Right. So somewhere, someone screwed up. My tally comes to 154. Shouldn't it be 150? Or am I as big of a math idiot as I'm afraid I am?

lol whoops. I ment average not total. And yes the exta four comes from people not subtracting.
20- Arcturus
14- Borknagar
15- Agalloch(-2)
16- Dan Swanö's Moontower
17- Edge of Sanity
19- Disillusion
17- Nightingale
09- Moonsorrow
27- Vintersorg (+2)
20- Arcturus
14- Borknagar
15- Agalloch
17- Dan Swanö's Moontower +1
17- Edge of Sanity
19- Disillusion
18- Nightingale +1
07- Moonsorrow -2
27- Vintersorg
22- Arcturus +2
14- Borknagar
114- Agalloch -1
17- Dan Swanö's Moontower
17- Edge of Sanity
18- Disillusion -1
18- Nightingale
07- Moonsorrow
27- Vintersorg
22- Arcturus
16- Borknagar(+2)
14- Agalloch
17- Dan Swanö's Moontower
17- Edge of Sanity
16- Disillusion (-2)
18- Nightingale
07- Moonsorrow
27- Vintersorg
22- Arcturus
16- Borknagar
12- Agalloch -2
17- Dan Swanö's Moontower
17- Edge of Sanity
16- Disillusion
20- Nightingale +2
07- Moonsorrow
27- Vintersorg
22- Arcturus
16- Borknagar
14- Agalloch +2
17- Dan Swanö's Moontower
17- Edge of Sanity
16- Disillusion
20- Nightingale
05- Moonsorrow -2
27- Vintersorg
22- Arcturus
16- Borknagar
15- Agalloch +1
16- Dan Swanö's Moontower -1
16- Edge of Sanity -1
16- Disillusion
20- Nightingale
05- Moonsorrow
28- Vintersorg +1
20- Arcturus
16- Borknagar
17- Agalloch
16- Dan Swanö's Moontower
16- Edge of Sanity
16- Disillusion
22- Nightingale +2
03- Moonsorrow -2
28- Vintersorg