Ultimate Metal Game III

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Mar 12, 2005
i dont even want to play but making it with bands i like is better than seeing one i think is a horrible list...(if no one likes it, make a new one)

this will be -2 +2 for now

10- Bloodbath
10- Diabolical Masquerade
10- Kalmah
10- Riverside
10- Wintersun
10- Ulver
10- Orphaned Land
10- Dark Tranquility
10- Bal Sagoth
10- Hypocrisy
10- In Flames (pre-colony)
10- Bloodbath
12- Diabolical Masquerade +2
10- Kalmah
10- Riverside
10- Wintersun
09- Ulver -1
10- Orphaned Land
10- Dark Tranquility
10- Bal Sagoth
09- Hypocrisy -1
10- In Flames (pre-colony)
12- Bloodbath +2
12- Diabolical Masquerade
10- Kalmah
10- Riverside
10- Wintersun
08- Ulver -1
10- Orphaned Land
10- Dark Tranquility
10- Bal Sagoth
09- Hypocrisy
09- In Flames (pre-colony) -1

(next time I'll give Riverside a +2, hard choice)
14- Bloodbath +2
12- Diabolical Masquerade
8- Kalmah -2
10- Riverside
10- Wintersun
08- Ulver
10- Orphaned Land
10- Dark Tranquility
10- Bal Sagoth
09- Hypocrisy
09- In Flames (pre-colony)
Lol at making in flames In Flames "pre Colony" so as they actually stand a chance.

Once were down to 7 bands change it to -2 +1 and then once we're down to 3 bands change it to -3 +1.

Seems most fair.
15- Bloodbath +1
12- Diabolical Masquerade
06- Kalmah -2
10- Riverside
10- Wintersun
08- Ulver
10- Orphaned Land
10- Dark Tranquility
10- Bal Sagoth
10- Hypocrisy +1
09- In Flames (pre-colony)

This list sucks, boooo!, *many lame insults*, *yawns*.
17- Bloodbath +2
12- Diabolical Masquerade
05- Kalmah -1
10- Riverside
10- Wintersun
08- Ulver
10- Orphaned Land
10- Dark Tranquility
9- Bal Sagoth -1
10- Hypocrisy
09- In Flames (pre-colony)
17- Bloodbath
12- Diabolical Masquerade
05- Kalmah
10- Riverside
08- Wintersun -2
08- Ulver
12- Orphaned Land +2
10- Dark Tranquility
09- Bal Sagoth
10- Hypocrisy
09- In Flames (pre-colony)
19- Bloodbath +2
12- Diabolical Masquerade
03- Kalmah -2
10- Riverside
08- Wintersun
08- Ulver
12- Orphaned Land
10- Dark Tranquility
09- Bal Sagoth
10- Hypocrisy
09- In Flames (pre-colony)
19- Bloodbath
12- Diabolical Masquerade
03- Kalmah
12- Riverside +2
08- Wintersun
08- Ulver
12- Orphaned Land
10- Dark Tranquility
09- Bal Sagoth
10- Hypocrisy
07- In Flames (pre-colony) -2
19- Bloodbath
12- Diabolical Masquerade
02- Kalmah -1
12- Riverside
08- Wintersun
08- Ulver
14- Orphaned Land +2
10- Dark Tranquility
09- Bal Sagoth
09- Hypocrisy -1
07- In Flames (pre-colony)
19- Bloodbath
12- Diabolical Masquerade
01- Kalmah -1
12- Riverside
08- Wintersun
09- Ulver +1
15- Orphaned Land +1
10- Dark Tranquility
09- Bal Sagoth
09- Hypocrisy
06- In Flames (pre-colony) -1
19- Bloodbath
12- Diabolical Masquerade
00- Kalmah -1 GONE
13- Riverside +1
08- Wintersun
09- Ulver
16- Orphaned Land +1
10- Dark Tranquility
08- Bal Sagoth -1
09- Hypocrisy
06- In Flames (pre-colony)
shit. i can't choose :lol:
17- Bloodbath -2
12- Diabolical Masquerade
13- Riverside
08- Wintersun
10- Ulver
16- Orphaned Land
10- Dark Tranquility
06- Bal Sagoth
10- Hypocrisy
08- In Flames (pre-colony) +2

I've actually only listened to two of these at length. Weird choices. And Dark Tranquillity was on the last list.
15- Bloodbath -2
12- Diabolical Masquerade
13- Riverside
08- Wintersun
10- Ulver
16- Orphaned Land
10- Dark Tranquility
06- Bal Sagoth
12- Hypocrisy +2
08- In Flames (pre-colony)
Kenneth. R said:
00- Kalmah -1 GONE

Do you realise you would become the "kvlt pwnage Kalmah slayer" if you had done this in my thread, and get one extra negative point of destruction to sew amongst bands each post?
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