Ultimate Prog/tech death metal tour.....

I would go for Into Eternity and Necrophagist, Necro is my favorite Death band atm. I dont know the other bands but it woudln't matter for me. I really hope the Nevermore rumored tour is true, because it would kick so much ass.

With all my respect, I HATE YOU!!! LOL you almost made me have a heart attack here!!!! You should've said it was your dream or whatever before posting the badns!!!!

Jeez!! LOL
I've never understood why people lump Quo Vadis into this group... I don't think they sound remotely technical. They're just "melodic death" to me.
Get rid of Necrophagist and replace them with a reunited Pestilence and I'll be a happy camper!

As far as bands who are currently active goes, you could replace Necro with Negativa. An altered bill I'd love to see would be Atheist headlining (at least 1 hour), Cynic supporting (45 mins so they could play their album straight through and then one or two demo tracks), Arsis doing the middle slot (35 mins so they could do all of Diamond for Disease), and Negative opening (20 mins so they can play the EP). \m/

With all my respect, I HATE YOU!!! LOL you almost made me have a heart attack here!!!! You should've said it was your dream or whatever before posting the badns!!!!

Jeez!! LOL

with all due respect YOU SHOULD have read the final sentence DUMB ASS! I said " If only such a tour could happen " which means I NEVER said it was official !
I'd prefer just Atheist/Cynic co-headline tour cause they are just sick... but if you where to add to the one presented before... I'd add Spiral Architec who even though are not death metal, they'd fit perfectly in such bill...
with all due respect YOU SHOULD have read the final sentence DUMB ASS! I said " If only such a tour could happen " which means I NEVER said it was official !

Clearly what Milton meant was that your "disclaimer" should have come before the list of bands.....so that one's hopes don't rise immediately after reading your list.

That being said, I could care less. :lol: I can't even get into Cynic and I have tried many times!
It's actually not necessary to list Into Eternity as being on this tour. It can just be assumed at this point, that if there is a tour, any tour, they are on it.


I think it's only for hierarchy purposes. Otherwise you'd have to guess what slot they have. This is a higher spot than usual as they often are the opener.