Ulver lyrics


Jul 16, 2003
If there are any norwegians here, could someone please try to write down the lyrics to Kveldssanger and Vargnatt. I think it would be much appreciated by a lot of people

I'm swedish so I understand most of it when reading, but I can't really figure it out when listening

Hope they get the re-release of Vargnatt out soon.
Well, no one seems to answer my request so I guess I have to do it myself then ;)

For those of you who haven't got the Vargnatt demo cover, here's the lyrics to the last song "Vargnatt". I won't translate it cause I'm not norwegian so I would probably miss out on some of it.
Anyway, the song is about the wolves hunting in the night while it's damn freezing cold.
I really hope they publish the lyrics on the 10" re-release.

Kveldssanger shouldn't be too hard if you're norwegian, or...? Sure anyone has written down the lyrics to it at home

Vogt dere
Mennesker og dyr
For vargene jager inatt

Bukrygget jager vi
Gjennom mørketidas endeløse dager
Kulda er nådeløs
Frostøyken viser vei
Vargene jager videre

Fimbulvinteren er vårt paradis
Her hersker vi under evig is
När Valhall’s veger slår sprekker
Jager vargene videre

Vi er mange, og alene
Lik Odin’s tapte øye
Ragnarøkk kaller
Og Yggdrasil faller

Vogt dere
Mennesker og dyr
For vargene jager inatt
There are pictures of him on Arcturus first (aspera hiems), Borknagars 2ns (the olden domain) and all the first 3 ulver, even though u can't really see his face on all of them.
I think there's some newer pics on their site (at least it used to be) from the studio while making the Lycantropen stk

If you haven't listen to Borknagars first 2 album I suggest you do it right away. they're both awesome. Garm also sings on Gehenna's "Vinterriket" (on their 2nd album) which is a great song, a lot like Borknagars first album
IcemanJ256 said:
I wish you could see Garm in the booklets. I've never really seen what he looks like.

this girl i know from Norway met him once in a bar, when he was chatting away with a mate of her's. he was wearing some kind of tight pink suit, and she mentioned he was really shy, but didnt say a word to her.

it seems that he's a madman. probably in a good sense of the word.
too bad he quit arcturus, so i cant see how he loox like when i go to Hole In The Sky...
You're completely right. This guy is the Garm ;).
For me he always looks the same ;). Now and when he was 18-19 years old boy on "La Masquerade Infernale"... always the same guy... really bizarre.
The lyric translations for Bergtatt are wonderful to see! I am trying to figure out some of the titles since they are typed with no spaces, but I can manage pretty well. Bergtatt is one of the best black metal albums I have ever had (actually, the only Ulver album I enjoy) and I listen to it often. I knew that album was folk-influced and the lyrics prove this! :)

Samoth & Garm