Ulver News

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
Below is the latest from ULVER:

"Many of you have been waiting for sound, and we are sorry for the silence. We needed to be alone, without the hustle and bustle of the living. We are uncomfortable with the world, the industry and our place. We have been working, sluggishly, well aware we could end up with nothing. Nonetheless we believe we have succeeded in giving our fears some kind of form. SHADOWS OF THE SUN, our 7th full-length album, is finished and will be released October 1st. We feel it is our most personal record to date. Low-key, dark, and tragic. As we are."

ULVER, Oslo, July 13 2007.
So wait, "Themes..." and "Kveldssanger" are classified as "metal"? Cause these are the two essential "non metal" Ulver albums as far as i'm concernced.

Yes, Kveldssanger indeed....but I was thinking about his electronic stuff...forgot about that one.

As far as "Themes...", I knew you would chime in on that. I still can't get into that album after years of owning it.

A Quick Fix of Melancholy, on the other hand, is one of my favorite EP's of all-time. Brilliant.

If they keep it along them lines, as it suggests, we are probably in for a great treat. I still need to give Blood Inside more time imo.
I second what has been said already. I've been listening to Lyckantropen Themes a lot lately. But Perdition City will always win.
Ulver should be the most revered artists in modern music. Needless to say, I am counting the days till it's release.

And concerning their press release, I'd like to think I understand their disposition.
Ulver sure are pumping out the pretentious shit-a-thons.

It feels like only yesterday that I laughed at how bad Blood Inside was.