Ulver's Bergtatt lyrics ... In English?

They have been translated here somewhere already. Astarte posted them. I'm not sure where, though.... Probably far back. If I have time for it this week-end, I'll see if I can find them, but before that you can see if you find them yourself... :)
Just grab a Norwegian poster here and abuse him/her for listening & translation purposes. :D

They live in a cool country. They speak a cool language. The least thing they can is to let us participate in this coolness (and hey, I don't mean the climate :lol: ).

Originally posted by Somber Soul
Just grab a Norwegian poster here and abuse him/her for listening & translation purposes. :D

They live in a cool country. They speak a cool language. The least thing they can is to let us participate in this coolness (and hey, I don't mean the climate :lol: ).

I thought the climate was exactly what you meant!! :p :lol:

Well, we do have a cool country, AND a cool language.... :p hehe... :D