Ulver's Sound


discouraged one
May 18, 2001
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sorry if this was already discussed...
could someone classify ulver's sound, especially after the "Themes...." album.... some people are talking about psychedelic, some about ambient,electronic or even trance.... i'm not a fan of categorisation but it will help me for finding similar works. so, what do you think??

by the way, it would be great if you would suggest me some other bands in the same vein.. thanks...
Nobody makes the "blend" tha Ulver make, they are pathfinders, pioners.. so trying to find similar sounding bands is a mission you'll fail for sure.

btw this is the description provided by http://www.jester-records.com the label own by Garm (aka Trickster G aka Christoforous G bla bla bla) the mainman on ulver

Evolutionary concept artists who've exaggerated and blurred the lines between every musical form they've been enveloped. As unconventional as their approach to music has always been the results have been consistently adherent and profound. In larval form they torqued the genre of black metal with folk, jazz, minimalism and soundscape offering this generally conservative design liberties it was once afraid to embrace. After completing their initial conceptual trilogy Ulver have astounded all who have experienced their current material with elegance, intelligence and multiplicity. Now, more than ever, Ulver have altered the way form can join and function in ways rarely sought. Retaining elements of their past, they now manipulate and extend the possibilities with a comprehensive understanding of the developing aural technologies.

btw if you're refering to the electronica side of ulver maybe the tags "dark electronica" and "dark trip-hop" could help you.
Try "Future Sound of London" (they do some kind of experimental electronic / ambient), esp. their album "Dead Cities", if you like Perdition City.
Indeed future sound of london are a great band and I believe they are one of the bands that started this musical movement. Very good atmospheric electronic movement...

As for categorization about Ulver's music i've heard terms from chill out/lounge to ambient trip hop. I think it's a mix of all these things and the term Russel used is quite close to accuracy (funny thing I was watching a TV show about jazz and thought about Ulver in the afternoon). Although it'sa very broad term I'd say that their field now is the more atmospheric parts of electronica with a few noise touches...
Originally posted by Verago
Try "Future Sound of London" (they do some kind of experimental electronic / ambient), esp. their album "Dead Cities", if you like Perdition City.

Dead cities is a greeaat album (ISDN is also good and similar to DC) :) Especially the first few tracks, but IMO they kinda lost the plot with Lifeforms.. too much atmosphere and not enough substance ;) I haven't got their new album yet :(