I'm going to have to agree with Nad here, Themes is undoubtedly the more ambitious and experimental of the two, but also over-reaching and self-indulgent (even for Garm) at times, whereas TSM is far more focused and contains some of Garm & Sverd's best performances.
You mean that its the BEST uLVer material
Anyway the albums cant be compared, totally different music. Also Arcturus still like metal hah..
I admire these 2 albums almost equally, but i like Sham Mirrors the most.
ohhhhhhhhhh goat that part is seriously amazing. highlight of the album.
you know what, i can't even rank william blake out of their top five. mostly because ulver's stuff falls into two categories: great and fucking amazing. even the "bad" stuff like the metamorphosis ep is pretty awesome.
I like half of "Themes..." and can tolerate the rest, at least more than what they've become afterwards.
"The Sham Mirrors" is awfully pompous but righteously so, so I picked it.