UM Couples Thread

Jessica (aka Elfgirl) and Paige (aka Midnight... that was her username right??) Aww

Goe and Leonardo. Aww
aye laddie just come o'er here some day and wear a kilt.
unlike for me..

if i go to europe ill just get attacked by chavs and/or everyone else for being american :(
Nah, conduct yersel' soundly enough, watch yer step (i.e. your LOCATION), an' what ye say to folk, an' ye'll be fine.

EDIT: That, or act like a fuckin' nails case. Oh, an' it's neds, not chavs (says Mr. Pedant), ye'll find polluting Scotland in ever-increasing numbers, unfortunately.

it also depends where one goes.

according to my female german professor, were i to go to Deutschland, i would have trouble trying to practice german because all the women will be too busy trying to impress me with their english.


too bad im broker than broke...
Hahaha... "Aye, that's right ye bunch o' masculine-sounding whoores. Whose language is the MOST IMPORTANT? EH?? Brush up on yer tenses, bitch."