UM Diablo II Clan


New Metal Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fairfield, CT (USA)
Anyone else up for adding to this? I'm playing D2 a lot now, and playing online sucks because there are too many assholes. I like the private game feature. so it's not a problem to shut out other people (keep the games legit and fun).
Plus, I'm already using the name 'UM-Zodijackyl'
Clan Tag = 'UM-'

If this is a bad idea, kill the thread :-P
nice :)
basically all I think we need would be a few people who would get together to play occasionally, trade stuff they have (gems, rares, set items) where they know there aren't cheaters :)

So should it be Open or Closed? right now I have an open character, but Open is nice when your internet dies.
I installed Diablo II and it won't run :( Seems I have issues with my vid card (although I've run it on this PC before...). Arse!