UM Fantasy Baseball League

Well, you'll prolly crush us all. I've never played fantasy baseball, and my baseball knowledge isn't very extensive. It's not very difficult. All you do is draft the players you want, then swap them around and pray they have a good game. It's fun, you should try it.
I would be much more interested if it was a mid-season league. Baseball season is just too long to have to manage the team daily. People who have never played before might lose interest easily, especially if their team sucks.
I'm in. I've always enjoyed Fantasy Baseball more than other fantasy sports and I will need something to do at work over the summer. I have done pretty well in the public leagues with a 1st place finish in 05 and a 2nd place finish in 07.
I've always been successful in fantasy baseball, most likely for my sometimes obsessive vigilance. I boast a 1st ('05) and 2nd ('06) place trophy in past private leagues.
Leagues should be opening pretty soon. Speak up if you are interested.

So far, 8 confirmed, 1 maybe.

Nec you should play too. You like baseball.

I'd like to have a league of 10-12 so there's a few spots open.