UM Fantasy Football League 2014

Man, Zerotastic has hung in there and become super competitive. My team underperformed this weak, like the last time I lost, but even a record game from Bell isn't going to save this week.
Holy cow. I had this week pegged as a loss when Fred Jackson went out injured in the first half. I figured Bennett would underperform and he did. I figured my kicker and D would underperform and they did. Somehow my team keeps winning albeit by small margins.

Sorry about Cutler there, Neph. I remember looking at your team last week and thinking, man, he should start Stafford instead lol.
Holy cow. I had this week pegged as a loss when Fred Jackson went out injured in the first half. I figured Bennett would underperform and he did. I figured my kicker and D would underperform and they did. Somehow my team keeps winning albeit by small margins.

Sorry about Cutler there, Neph. I remember looking at your team last week and thinking, man, he should start Stafford instead lol.

Stafford has been shit fantasy-wise this season, so Cutler made sense going in.

What I really need is for A.J. Green to get healthy.
I dropped Fitz whoever it was that wanted him preseason. I should've taken you up on that trade heh. Not his season, ball is getting spread around to like 9 different receivers..
Your PA is now lowest in the league. That has a lot to do with winning FF. But kudos on the run.

Yeah I still have 3rd highest points for, pretty near your mark too though.

I'm surprised your team isn't doing better Ozz, you definitely have the points to win games, just bad luck on matchups with opponents I guess.
