UM IRC server

For starters, just try:


on the Status window..

If this is confusing you, in the options thingie, in category "connect", fill in a false name, a flase email (smt@ should be sufficient), and your nickanme. on the server thing above that, choose "irc network -> all" and then push "add". there you just need to fill in:
Description: UM
Ports: 6667

If you have any more questions i'm here for a while more. :)
I´m unable to connect.. (Connection Refused)
I was able to log in (at least month ago..) but now it won´t work..
Could someone help me?
@frog: possibly, but i'm afraid you're barking up the wrong tree here, since the server the guys were referring to is ultimatemetal's, and this is just one of the hosted boards.
however, in case it ever comes to us trying to get a room of our own, we'll take your suggestions into consideration. :)
