UM is sucking more than ever !!!

Erik said:
I wrote a forum once but it's very very basic and will be hax0red in no time. We could run phpBB on our own server but realistically the "COMMUNITY" that provides is pretty positive for the influx of new people to the forum. Maybe the RC form is big and independent enough that it could stand on its own feet now though. Dunno, something to be considered, not my choice though. The server situation is pretty fucking unbearable though, and Deron's apparently not succeeding in doing anything about it, no matter how many new versions of vBulletin and the Linux kernel he installs...

You should run punBB like the clever person you are

Generates standards-compliant (TABLE-LESS!! :O) markup as far as i can tell, is lightweight and easy to customise, and has a metric fuckton of mods.

it's DE in disguise btw shh don't tell anyone
Erik said:
I did, on DISAFFECT.COM but apparently you hate me there? OK! I will PM YOU!

I never really post there anymore, it's gone down the proverbial drain in a similar fashion to SOT1 :(
SOT2 is so horrid I deleted the bookmark I had for it. I don't know if all the funny people left or if everyone just got buttbugs or what, but I've read AC adapter warning labels, the Japanese text, that captured my interest more than that crap.
I think the funny people just went into limbo after SOT1 disappeared, since a lot of them didn't turn up at SOT2. Ah well.