UM OS takes the backseat


I'm sure like with most of you regulars, UM OS has taken the backseat to planning for the holidays & all that non-sense that goes on with X-Mas.
I speak for myself, when I say that "I will be back in full-force" after the X-Mas holiday! I have not forgotten about the house that we help build.
I definately do not want to lose touch with this place & the people that roam the forum. I hope all is well with all of you & also that you all have a safe holiday season, because I want to keep hearing what you all have to say.
Hawk if you're out there, it's been a longtime since I have seen a post from you. Comeback soon. Same for Greeno. Where's our Marine?! I hope he hasn't been shipped off to the middle east. Where's the ladies at?! You gals rule! JD & Wyvern keep this place alive! You're doin' a fine job. Where's Kid Wicked?! Errrrrrr Trixx are for kids! Where's the Aussie Mo'Fo?! What about that Progfanatic Bryant?! Hope things are well with you. Pyscho the Mercy & KD metal maniac?! It's always Halloween @ that brother's house I'm sure!
How about some love for the two muscians of the bunch? Clammy & Baldy!
Ted Van Frehley?! I think I saw you on a milk carton today. You missing?!
Enough of my rambling.
Take Care People,
I'm still just a greenhorn here, but I've noticed a serious lack of postings over the past week. Could it be the Dimebag Effect? I am not the biggest Pantera, Damageplan, or Darryl Abbot fan, but I certainly realized the magnitude of his assassination. Since the news broke just over a week ago, I haven't felt much like socializing. It just seems like anything we discuss is so petty when compared to what friends and family of the deceased are going through.
Merry X-mas to all of the crazy metalheads of the UM Old School.

I check the board at least once a day but just have not been posting much for lack of time and nothing to really post about. Message boards run in cycles, things will pick up agin soon I'm sure.
I am still here 6 you 'ol buddy :) But I am working my ass of! In fact I am at school now typing this in on my school PC. In between the correction work and many meetings I hardly have the time to check in now and then.

I will be back after the holidays in 2005. That is going to be a killer year for metal! Sorry, must rune now time for another meeting :(

All the best too all of those who visit this forum and happy holidays!!
Especially my friends Sixx, JD, carnut, Greeno Bryant, Igor, zeppelin, delize, Clammy, Troy, Psychonaut, The Sayer, tedvanfrehley,Wicked Child, Abryl [Slaaaayeeerrrr], baldyboy, Walter Langkowski, DrillSergeant and last but not least Wyvern.

Sorry if I forgot someone. Let me know if I did. :)

See you all in the new year!
I'm still here. I do check in every other day or so. I've been mega-busy lately, so that's the cause for my decreased posting... also, the whole Dimebag thing has just left me numb... :erk:

Happy holidays everyone. Let's hope for a happy and prosperous new year for all... and no fucking psychos murdering our artists (or anyone else for that matter!)

:rock: :rock: :rock:
Is sex and work fault (more of the later sadly). But I promise to give the forum more attention in the future.

What is this Christmas everybody is talking about? :dopey:

Happy Holidays to all and a Happy New Year in case I don't survive this one enough to celebrate :loco:

From US to Croatia, Netherlands to Canada, Belgium to Australia, England to South Africa, Germany to Costa Rica (and I hope I didn't miss any country):

May Satan Claus bring joy and peace!
I'm always here but I must admit that The loss of Dime has left me without many words .... not that I think our conversations here are at all petty far from it you guys ARE my friends so Happy Holidays to y'all :rock: next year will be a better year ... not that 2004 has been that bad it hasnt I mean Fuck I got to meet Bryant! how fucking cool is that! and there has been a TON of great releases the only Black mark and I mean MAJORMOTHERFUCKINGBLACKMARK was Dime ... that sucks and it crushed me

@Wyvern ... Love that Pic!!!! :grin:
JonnyD said:
@Wyvern ... Love that Pic!!!! :grin:
I always wanted to put a Satan Claus pic on a forum for Christmas, and finally I found the pic and the opportunity :loco:

SC rules!
Well, I was just stopping by to say the same thing. Yes, the holidays are upon me full force but have had to take a back seat to work (unfortunately), which has been absolutely crushing lately. I've never seen it this busy and it just keeps coming. Considering there are only two of us handling a large territory, we're both near collapse and looking forward to some time off.

That all said, I want to wish you all a very metal Xmas. Keep it safe out there, boys and girls, and let's all return in one piece after the holidays to brag about our hauls and begin drooling over the metal to come.

Every night to me is Halloween!!!
Have a happy holiday everyone!!
I'll still be hanging around here, but for those who aren't, I'll see you next year!

And a big thank you to all of you who, throughout the year, have shown me some great new bands, kept me informed on metal news and gave me some great new people to talk about my favourite subject (METAL!) with. You guys rule! :rock:

P.S. Great picture Wyvern :D
I have been quiet for weeks, but I am still here. I am going through minor life changes. Nothing major mind you and I won't keep my big mouth shut for long. I love each and all of my metal brothers and sisters here and you are all like a family to me. In fact, you can all kiss my ass before I get too soft and weepy. >:P~ I am still here though and am not going anywhere...........

HOHOF*#@!@#*NHO! Hehehe, Merry Chistmas and a Heavy new year to all of you guys (and Gals). I'll say it again, I'm glad I've found you, you keep me updated in my only real interest and I respect you and this forum alot :worship: To those who travel, do so safely, to those who party, make me proud!, to those with family visiting, be, I'm gonna travel a few miles down the coast and spend New Year's with friends...Rock on!!! :rock:

Your Friend

Zeppie :loco:
Sorry I am not here as much as I would like to be guys. I hope you all enjoy the holidays. Have a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and as always keep things ultra heavy. I look foward to chatting more with my fellow metal heads.
tedvanfrehley said:
WYVERN, you are scary as hell! (no pun intended!)

I am afraid.

Very afraid.

Is NOT my picture for crying out loud, I just found it on the Internet. Satan Claus is an old joke, just Google it and see.

I don't smoke, I don't have a red suit, I'm not that tall, I don't have a beard and...gosh, this is me alright?
