um server sucks thread #17

Fixed guys. I'll be home tomorrow and between seeing if the new forum update is completely released and looking into some server upgrades, we'll get these issues fixed. (Although not sure what was up with that login issue).
turn off the bloated signature privileges (do I need to see nad's soapy dog three times a page :lol: )... and bring back the search feature ...

wtf, is there to twiddle with this server all the time ... it's not that many people posting on UM :loco:
lurch70 said:
turn off the bloated signature privileges (do I need to see nad's soapy dog three times a page :lol: )

yeah i guess i'm done annoying people with that. sampson rules though. :rock:
hahahahaha this rules.

it's like when the motW board all made huuuuuuuuge signatures and then turned off viewing them, just to get rid of images in signatures for the rest of um. that was funny.