UMOS Top Ten


Sep 21, 2004
Let's see what it is. Everybody put thier top ten metal/hard rock bands together in order. Each band will get points on the postion they get. #1 will get 10 points, #2 will get 9 points, #3 will get 8 points and so on..... It can be based on personal opinion, influence, whatever. I want ro see what our exclusive group comes up with. Only rule is be honest! I will let this go one week, until Sunday, July 24th around noon EST. (depending on what kind of hangover I have that day!) Let's see what we come up with?
Judas Priest
Iron Maiden
Black Sabbath
Iced Earth
Metal Church

Urgh...I really wish I could fit Accept in there somehow...:err:

I don't know what your are doing with the points... I really don't wanna fuck it up, so I'll leave it for the next poster.:)
1) Coroner (duh:)
2) Judas Priest
3) Iron Maiden
4) Black Sabbath
5) Exodus
6) Kreator
7) Overkill
8) Testament
9) Scorpions
10) Witchery (their new album rocks)

Imp! said:
I don't know what your are doing with the points... I really don't wanna fuck it up, so I'll leave it for the next poster.:)

You need to rank them in order. Everybody's #1 band will get ten points, # 2 will get 9 and so on... At the end of the week I'll total up the points and post the list to see what we come up with as a whole. I'm still figuring mine out. It's not an easy choice for some, thats why I gave it a week. Hopefully we'll get everybody in on this. It should be interesting.:kickass:
It's allways hard to make a top ten, I tend to forget some bands in it sometimes...mostly of these bands it's the early stuff that counts !!

1 Queensryche
2 Culprit
3 Ayreon
4 Znöwhite
5 Savatage
6 Slayer
7 Pantommind
8 Angel Witch
9 Loudness
10 Benedictum
1. Kiss/Black Sabbath (Sorry for the tie but both bands introduced me to metal about the same time in the mid 70's)
2. Iron Maiden
3. Judas Priest
4. Slayer
5. Metallica
6. Anthrax
7. Motorhead
9. AC/DC (esp. Bon Scott era)
10. Van Halen (up to 1984)
Honorable mentions-Metal Church, Dokken (hahaha!), Twisted Sister, Accept, Suicidal Tendencies, Misfits, DRI , Ronnie James Dio and so on!
Fates Warning
Dream Theater
Judas Priest
Black Sabbath
Type O Negative
Here goes:
1. Rainbow - esp. the RJD years
2. Queensryche
3. Deep Purple
4. Thin Lizzy
5. Judas Priest
6. Iron Maiden
7. Dio - my fave singer
8. Queen
9. Savatage
10. Alice Cooper

...just missed the cut - Crimson Glory, King's X
1. Opeth
2. Anacrusis
3. Strapping Young Lad
4. Devin Townsend/DTB
5. Coroner
6. Nevermore
7. Black Sabbath
8. Tool
9. Pink Floyd
10. Spiral Architect

List is subject to often change, I can never make up my mind. :D
03-Iron Maiden
06-Fates Warning
07-Symphony X
09-King Diamond
10-Flotsam and Jetsam
SavaRon said:
Let's see what it is. Everybody put thier top ten metal/hard rock bands together in order.

You serious?

I can't do just 10 maybe the top five but afterwards it's very changing, so this will be for today and now.

1) Motorhead
2) Thin Lizzy
3) Judas Priest
4) Black Sabbath
5) Saxon

6) Deep Purple
7) Alice Cooper
8) Blind Guardian
9) Riot
10) Iron Maiden

NP: Mullmuzler - 'Stranger'
It is so difficult to make an actual top-10 list, especially in order. Fortunately, I was planning to do this experiment here on UMOS a few months ago and already had a rough mockup listed to start the thread (thanks, Ron, now it's your responsibility!). I do think we need to run this more than one week though. I'd give it a month. That would allow us to go in and edit our lists for the final tally (don't post new lists, just edit your first one in the thread). Like Wyvern, my list can change slightly from week to week, but a month should give everyone a chance to re-visit the old records that might influence the positioning of their top-10 list and make adjustments.

Personally, I make my list based on one factor: how often did/does their music get played in my hallowed halls? The following ten bands are the unofficial tally:

1) Savatage
2) Black Sabbath
3) Blue Oyster Cult
4) Therion (Theli and beyond)
5) Fates Warning (2 great albums w/Jon Arch)
6) Judas Priest
7) Iron Maiden
8) Queensryche (up to Empire)
9) Rage (still exploring, may move up in near future)
10) Ayreon

Thin Lizzy damn near made the list. They have so many great songs sprinkled throughout their career. I've been listening to alot of Thin Lizzy lately, spurred on by a 1984 dvd concert that I got my grubby little hands on a couple months ago.

I was also tempted (and Carnut couldn't resist) to list Benedictum just based off their debut. But I could not do it. No matter how great that album is, you need to make more than one masterpiece to make my top-ten list. Still, I say, BENEDICTUM, BENEDICTUM, BENEDICTUM.
old school wise this would be my top 10

1 - Mercyful Fate
2 - Metallica
3 - Iron Maiden
4 - Judas Priest
5 - Kreator
6 - Celtic Frost
7 - King Diamond
8 - Bathory
9 - Blind Guardian
10 - Black Sabbath

however, there are alot of contemporary bands that i would like to put in there
#1 Iron Maiden (influenced me the most)
#2 Kiss (shoulda been #1 for me since they were my first love)
#3 Nevermore (fresh and new and different)
#4 Raven (the energy was astounding)
#5 Judas Priest (huge influence)
#6 AC/DC (straight ahead rock that was easily accepted to my young ears)
#7 Evergrey (just plain great songs... Tom's voice is metal)
#8 Rush (Yes 3 guys can do that... how could you not be mesmerized by a guy who sounded like a chick?)
#9 Van Halen (the playing! every metal guitarist's goal)
#10 Helloween (opened my eyes and ears to my favorite type of music)

#11 Armored Saint (one of the faves but I can't seem to knock anything else off the top 10)
#12 Queensryche (up to Promised Land)
#13 Jackal (I love this band)
#14 Cheap Trick
#15 Accept

Ok, that was actually 15 bands. Sorry. After taking a day or two, I made a change or two.

These would be the bands that have influenced my listening the most and they would also be the good old stand-bys that will always have a spot in the play list...

Man that was hard to limit to only 10! o_O