unappreciation thread for monday

1. Carrying a fucking heavy launch boat up the shore with only one other person helping and getting a mixture of gasoline and river grime all over me.

2. Having work to do.
ate leftover pizza for breakfast, laced with Tabasco Chipotle hot sauce! yummy! did not spill a crumb on my attire which in a perverse way is too bad as it is dress down week. handled my two mile commute to work with ease and aplomb. Stopped at Big Bear and bought a 99 cent bottle of hot sauce so I could get 20 dollars cash back.

viewed the pop up ad of Michelle Branch on Rollingstone.com. visited her web site and couldn't help but notice she has a helluva fine ass for a white girl.
Ok, tuesday sucks much worser than Monday. Just got my estimate for my car. Due to the fact I got a shotty wheel bearing which almost doubles the cost, I'm over 2gs. That kind of sucks. And I didn't even take it to a dealership. I can't imagine what that would have run me.