Under appreciated DT songs

I don't think "On Your Time" is underrated. In fact I think most people here agree it is a great song. But you are definitely right about "With the Flaming Shades of Fall"
I think Cathode Ray Sunshine gets pretty heavy praise and right fully so.

I haven't heard anyone mention "Hours Passed in Exile", so I guess that that'll be my pick. Really the entire Damage Done album is aces, so take your pick.
I think "Constant" on The Mind's I is an under-appreciated song.

oh yeah, I really like that song "Mind Matters" on Character... I never hear anything about that song at all and it's probably my favorite on the album.
Hours passed in exile, format c, insanitys, I deception, and rundown
UndoControl said:
Insanity's will always be underrated, no matter how much people like it and say so.

i like insanity's crescendo. i have to say ex nihilo. just cause it's an instrumental doesn't mean it's not a great dt song.

and fabric from haven, and day to end from projector.
I agree that tidal tantrum is underrated. It is one of my favorite songs off the Minds Eye, second to Insanity's (or toungues)
Thats good to hear! I was beginning to think that people thought the only songs on The Mind's I are "Zodijackyl light", "Dreamlore Degenerate" and "Hedon". Now that I think about it though, Hedon is exceptionally good. Especially the lyrics.