Under appreciated DT songs

^Wow, thank you for helping me "rediscover" Sinews and Atom Heart. Those are two masterpieces not worth missing. I guess it just adds to why I prefer the Mind's I to The Gallery.
I found the easiest solution : I love both albums equally. Also, it was my pleasure to make you rediscover these so often overlooked masterpieces :)
I thought of another: The Gallery (the song) doesn't get enough credit!
tunaman said:
i have to say ex nihilo. just cause it's an instrumental doesn't mean it's not a great dt song.

and fabric from haven, and day to end from projector.

Geri said:
Cathode Ray Sunshine !!!!!

Zack said:
The Gallery (the song) doesn't get enough credit!


Another way-underappreciated DT song: Mine is the grandeur... / ...Of melancholy burning.
^Yes, that song is so complex I could listen to it a thousand times in a row and still be interested.
Devy_Metal said:
I thnk Fabric is one of the most badass songs theyve written but no one seems to talk about it. It's my favorite DT song!

No one is a really good song underapreciate or praticly unknown :rock:
^Ex Nihilo is in fact a great song and one of the few instrumental tracks ever recorded by DT. However, when listening to their regular material, Ex Nihilo doesn't sound that impressive. I think the guys could come up with something much better than that in terms of technicality and atmosphere.
- Single Part of Two (easily one of the best songs on DD)
- At Loss For Words (the best song on Haven by far and one of DT's best songs overall)
- Fabric (2nd best song on Haven)
- Shadow Duet (best song on Skydancer, utterly magnificent)
The mind's eye is rather unappreciated, imo (it's not their best work, of course, but it's a rather good effort; sometimes i even like it better than Ex nihilo).

And the whole Enfeebled Earth demo. Hell, Septic is unappreciated even by the band members themselves. Will someone please tell them that Septic doesn't suck?