Under standing polish NSBM Burzum and Graveland.

Rascian Warrior said:
Neo-nazis are almost in all cases school-dropouts, people with learning disorders, bullies that fail at life.

Right. You've got it all wrong buddy.. go to "natall.com" and see if "neo-nazis" are high-school dropouts and bums. No shit, but to most of us here, they could be philosophers (most of their top leaders are highly educated.. the founder had a Ph.D in Physics, and they are also encouraging members to educate themselves because of that bad image). I recommend you do a research on their movement, you'll be amazed.

Remember the key thing of National Socialist philosophy.. the movement adapts, changes in various ways but it stays the same in its goal. From what I've read, these people are uniting all European people into one. Today, all you have to be is to be of European heritage (100% European) to join the movement.. none of that "Slavs are mongoloids" stuff from 30's and 40's.

And by the way, there's a shitload of Slavic NSBM bands and they do sing about Perun, Svarog, Dazhbog and other Slavic gods and generally Slavic culture.. it's not all Norse obbsession.

Slavic culture and mythology isn't all that 'soft.' Where do you think vampires and werewolves came from? :)

Remember, the worst thing you can do is underestimate a potential enemy.
It is absurd to think that National Socialist want anything to do with metal heads. Basically every thing Black Metal stands for is the opposite of NS. NS believe in strong Christian values, the only reason they have anything to do with black metal is because they use the metal heads to do there dirty work. Same with skin heads and punks. These people could care less about anything but there personal agendas. And with great pragmatism do they extend to the black metal scene.
And on top of this the only people who resort to NS are people who are not comfortable with who they are and need something extra to make them feel fit in, just look at Hitler, he had dark eyes and dark hair and almost looked like a Jew or a Turk, at the same time he was preaching about Blond Hair and Aryan Purity, something he had very little of. Also if you look at most neo Nazis or skin heads you see most of them have dark hair and dark eyes. This is because they feel alien and need to belong. If a person knows who they are and is proud of them selves for there intellectual accomplishments rather than there race. Then they don’t need to belong to organizations that blanket there insecurity. We are all people regardless of race or color, and it seems to me only people who are afraid or insecure can’t handle these simple scientific facts.
Couldn't be further from the truth. Christianity was a mere tool of propaganda during 20's and 30's of the last centuy. Think about it, more than 90% of people were Christians, would it have been useful if they intorduced an anti-Christian church-burning doctrine? They didn't even mention it, but they made sure they had the support of Christians, while the leadership was mostly Heathen... Hitler, Goebells, Himler.. they didn't talk about it openly even though they did give a few hints.

Hitler had brown hair and blue eyes. If you get a picture of him in color, you'll notice it. And the "blue eyed, blonde" thing was his way of idealizing the Nordic subrace. To this day, most people in these movements believe that Nordic subrace is the most productive of all European subraces (Major subraces of Europe: Nordic, Baltic, Alpine, Dinaric, and Mediterranean). Today however, they discourage the rivalries between these that happened in the past.

Ok.. now about humanity. Think about it this way, dogs are all dogs too right? We can't compare Mexican "Chihuahua" to "German Shephard" when it comes to guarding the household nor can we compare Pit Bull to Cocker Spaniel when it comes to their ferocity in fighting. One is ready to tear anything that threatens him apart while the other one is pretty meek and will most likely run if threatened. The current theory of human anthropology and the general view of humans has some serious flaws so they better come up with something else. Of course, to mention what I said somewhere would result in being burned at stake these days.. maybe not literally, but it would result in losing a job, a place in society, maybe your house, family, who would know. So what I ask myself is, if people think that their theories hold up, they should discuss them, prove others wrong. We try to live the Greek style of Democracy yet we don't realize that we are becoming more and more totalitarian.
. So what I ask myself is, if people think that their theories hold up, they should discuss them, prove others wrong. We try to live the Greek style of Democracy yet we don't realize that we are becoming more and more totalitarian. Last edited by Rascian Warrior on April 9th, 2003 at 09:03 PM.

I agree with you on this point
And I am open to discus any thing really.

Now the human race is not like dogs, most scientist say it is more like cats. There are not such huge characteristic changes in humans such as in dogs. Human skin tones have changed due to there climate, the warmer of an area you live in the darker your skin and the colder the lighter your skin. Now civilization did not start in Europe by white people, it started in ancient Sumeria, then moved to Acadian, Babylonian, Egyptian, these civilizations were very advanced and had invented many firsts. Europe at this point was in the Dark Age. Not to say that European people are any lesser than those of ancient Middle Eastern cultures but they were not the first. Ancient cultures knew the world was round long before Europe, the Americas were discovered long before Europe discovered them. This is why I don’t see European culture as superior to any other culture. And in a way modern European culture is more self destructive and materialistic than that of an abounded tribe some were in Peru. Now the term Aryan refers to the language spoken by a people, this is how a people are classified as Semitic, Slavic, Aryan by there language. And the Aryans were originally a tribe in India. Now I am a strong believer that you should select people on who they are and not on there race. I can find just as many stupid White people as I can find black metal or brown people. I just don’t see how European people are so much more advanced as you claim. Now on the other hand I believe in equal treatment of all people, and in modern day society white people do get mistreated and are victims of racism. How ever I think it is best if people in general put aside there skin color’s and looked at who the person really is.
Basically every thing Black Metal stands for is the opposite of NS. NS believe in strong Christian values, the only reason they have anything to do with black metal is because they use the metal heads to do there dirty work.

Im sorry but you must be very stupid.

Say whatever you want but immigrant is a BIG problem here in Scandinavia.
TheEmperor said:
I hate Nazi's. You have to be very very stupid indeed to be a Nazi, since Racism is stupidity and nothing else. Fuck Nazi's, fuck NSBM, fuck Varg.

I agree with you, but its better not to get emotional about it.
nergal_S said:
Varg has two polish parents, and was born in Poland
I haven't read Lords of Chaos, but as far as I know, Varg doesn't have Polish parents. His last name, Vikernes, is a typical Norwegian last name, and I know that his mother is Norwegian.
Varg changed his name many times, and his mother has a diffrent last name than he dose. His orginal name is Kristian. He was born in poland, moved to norway, then to iraq for 1 year, then back to norway.
nergal_S said:
Varg changed his name many times, and his mother has a diffrent last name than he dose. His orginal name is Kristian. He was born in poland, moved to norway, then to iraq for 1 year, then back to norway.
I know that his original name was Christian (or Kristian, I can't remember) Vikernes. Vikernes is his original last name, and it's not a typical Polish name as far as I know.
Now the human race is not like dogs, most scientist say it is more like cats.

Of course, I realize that it's a little stupid to compare humans with dogs but look at it this way. Are dogs subject to the laws of human nature? Are humans subjected as well to these laws? I'd definitely say yes. Even though humans and dogs aren't the same and can't be compared neither psychologically nor physically, both of these follow the same laws of nature. And this goes for all of the organisms on this planet. Each and every animal has a purpose in life, to reproduce, to give way to the next generation.. it's just that humans are the only ones who are conscious about it.

Now civilization did not start in Europe by white people, it started in ancient Sumeria, then moved to Acadian, Babylonian, Egyptian, these civilizations were very advanced and had invented many firsts.

I agree there. But if you look at the maps of the ancient world, you'll see that the Indo-European (or 'Aryan') lived in those areas you just mentioned. Egypt was inhabited by the Mediterraneans (who are just another sub-race) and on the paintings of ancient peoples from those areas (Assyria.. present-day Syria) you can see blue-eyed queens and goddesses. It must have some connection with European people, because in the ancient times the center of White people, or race, was not Europe but what today is Asia.. parts of India, Iran, Mesopotamia, all of Asia Minor and a good part of Central Asia. The reference to India is a description in Indian history of an invasion by light-skinned, faire-haired people about 3000 B.C. It is also important to note that when those civilizations died out, new ones appeard in Europe.. each one of them greater than the last one. Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire into the Medieval Ages and the numerous European kingdoms that sprung up from the remains of Roman Empire.

In my research of what people call them.. neo-nazis.. I have found out that all of them claim that it's not about superiority, it's not about this guy being tougher than this other guy, it's not about hate but about love for one's race and heritage. These people feel threatened, they repeadetly say that Europeans are being outnumbered and they don't like what's happening to their countries. And immigration does put a heavy weight on them, it's a clash of cultures and in my most sincere opinion this will not work. Governments want to make all these people with different cultures and histories live in one place forever, but it doesn't work that way. Hostilities are obvious everywhere and I just hope it doesn't come to bloodshed.

Now the term Aryan refers to the language spoken by a people, this is how a people are classified as Semitic, Slavic, Aryan by there language.

Yes, but Slavic, Germanic, the lost Celtic languages, Romance languages, Greek and many other languages all fall into the group of Indo-European languages. And while you may think that Aryan just describes the persons linguistic background you can't forget that thousands and thousands of years ago ancient warriors who sweeped into India were describes as light-skinned, fair-eyed, fair-haired..which means that they easily resembeld present-day Europeans. In every European nation, you can find people under these descriptions. Race is defined as a group of people that are closest to each other, and it goes way beyond the facial features, hair and eye color and the rest of the obvious.. I think it defines behavior and other characteristics as well.

Have a good day!
To the original point... My theory is... Black metal is extreme music, and attracts extreme people whose views can be far, far removed from the "average" person in the street. Philosophising about hate for your own race is extreme, and if you look at it from a different angle, also highly absurd. They could very well be taking the piss...
I thought the term NSBM only referred to bands who sing about nationalsocialism, and not bands who only have symphaties with it. I know Burzum hasn't got any nazi-lyrics, does Graveland have it?
NSBM is a ridiculous genre really. The average pub nationalist in any given European country would hate it and think the band that play it are "gay" because they would be long haired and introverted.