He's posted 9 times in the past 2 years almost. lol. Give him a break. I'm sick of seeing "senior member" guys around here jumping down everyone's throat. Sure, I understand it gets old people asking the same questions over and over, but how does that help anyone feel welcome on any forum? You can at least be nice about telling them to use the search function, and could be even nicer to just post links to threads already created.
@Darkreignofset: Please read this page as it gives some helpful pointers on doing searches throughout the forum to find what you're looking for...
Despite the forum search being fixed, I still rely heavily on google searches. Sounds like you need to read up on tracking volumes and getting your mix balanced and even, and then read a lot on mastering, compression, limiting, eq, etc. The loudness or "punch" you're referring to is generally what you achieve in the mastering stage once your mix already kicks ass. Mastering gets you loudness and the volume you hear. But if your mix sucks (like drums suck, guitars are scooped, no bass in the mix, etc.) then mastering won't do much for you. Just because you have Cubase and Waves doesn't mean you will have good mixes. There are people here that create mixes with free plugins compared to some with expensive software. It's all about your ear and learning how to use what you have. I would HIGHLY recommend purchasing some training videos from this site... they are great and affordable!