Unpaid mixing request for doom metal album

Robert W

May 13, 2009
On the off chance that someone might be interested in mixing a doom metal album just for the experience, I'm recoding one now.

I'm doing the guitar and bass tracks myself, and then sending them off to some other people to do the drums and vocals.

Don't really need anything fancy mix-wise, as I'd like to keep this as low-fi sounding as possible, think very early Sab, St. Vitus, Hellhammer, Electric Wizard, etc,.

Will be shopping the finished product around to some very small nitch labels when it's done. All contributions will, of course, be given full and complete credit.

If anyone is interested let me know and I'll send you some clips.
Wow! Someone actually responded?!? Honestly didn't think I'd get any takers.

I'll both you guys w/ some links then.
It only really turns to a shit storm if they're offering you money which is WAAAAY below the amount you should be getting, doing it for free probably shows that you're just genuinely interested and want to work on some more stuff (like me)
I'm in. Music should be freeeeeeeeee
Send me a track and let's see what I can do.
sure why not? i'll give it a go, could use the experience if nothing else, PM me!
St. Vitus, Hellhammer... :headbang::headbang:! For Hellhammer-style (Apocalyptic Raids was the name of their EP back then, wasn't it?), I'll have to dig out my Metal Zone pedal and strap it across the 2bus :kickass:

What about posting the raw tracks of one song and let us do a nice Mix Off competitioon? Then you can decide who get's the free job?
Jesus H. Christ! Did not think I'd be getting more than 1 or 2 responses tops!

As Professorlamp responded first, I thought it only fair that he should have first crack at the stuff.

Here's a link to the project,


Shoot Me and Sea of Darkness are old mixes w/ an older line-up. Guitars were done using Line 6 stuff and sound very , very bad.

Shoot Me New Ver/New Tone was recorded the other day. The rhythm guitar, "lead", and bass tracks are final, although I need to work on the "lead" tone (reverb, delay, etc,)

Guitar used was an Agile 828. Chain is TS>HyBrit>Recabinet "Tangerine">EQ>Compressor.

The tone probably sounds too muddy for most of you, but I kind of like it. Anyways, I think it fits the music pretty well.