Unsavory remarks received after music suggestions...and SHEET

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Have you ever tried to help a lost sappling with a little music advice? And then totally regret it, as the person in which you're helping has ears that would best belong in a corn field?

Friday night as I trek home from work on the company shuttle, my friend who is 30 something and knows I listen to metallica asks.

"Hey man what would you recommend for me, I've been trying to find bands that are more guitar based, some good rock which isnt too loud and explicit. Nonetheless I give him this band "Spirit Creek". Some good wholesome rock to be had here. Upon listening his reply is... Ehhh, sounds like a poor man's Creed. This leaves me stunned like Starr Jones husband on his honeymoon.

This isn't the first time either. At the gym my chum asks me for a cd to run to. I suggest grabbing some Exodus. His reply, "this and all these other cd's look like devil cd's". Blah.... Moral of the story, why bother suggesting music to people that are too lazy to find it themselves?

I asked this same question to a chum who ghosts this forum but is too timid to speak. He said the same thing just happened to him a day ago. As he was sitting in class, he over heard some chums rave on and on about Kittie, saying how metal they are. He says "hey check these guys out", and promptly puts on 7 tongues of God by Nevermore. Their reply is simply "eh the riffs are o.k, the singer can't sing, and kittie are more metal because the girls growl." Blah

So share some of these experience to past this miserable hump day away...Por Flavor.