Some closing remarks.

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Jan 30, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
First off, I would like to apologize to the forum members for my huge part in the shit-fest the Agalloch thread turned into. For those who might be interested, I will offer reasons, not excuses for my ridiculous behaviour. I have always been someone who deals with people in face to face situations. It was as if, I forgot I was on a internet forum. Nfu, from reading his posts in the past is without a doubt, very astute and intelligient. That was and is not the problem I had with him. It is his arrogance and abrasive comments to others and myself that lit my fire. The comment by Nfu, in one of his first posts, "relax guys, I'm not going to argue with a guy in a wheel-chair" I am paraphrasing on that was if he punched me in the gut. 20 yrs, in this chair, all the work and sacrifices I made to become independent and to free up others a responsibility towards helping me. Adversity does not always reveal character, but in my mind, it builds it. So, I really lost my temper and if he had said that to my face, I would have ripped off his head and shit down his neck. I have met many people like NFU, and they have always irritated me. Reasons not excuses. NFU, I'm sure that you are a decent human being with shortcomings and drawbacks like us all. Liquid Diamonds, I thank you for your timely advice and helping me to realize what I was doing. And my wife, who always thought I was fuckin' crazy for telling me it's not worth it. So, words started this, and now maybe words will end it. I will not bring this up again. Peace.
The wheelchair remark (which was NOT intended as an insult, as i explained i have a close uncle in a wheelchair), came after your initial personal shit slinging. You were out of line, end of story. I irritate a lot of people, but at your age you should no better than to act the way you was a first for this forum. But apology accepted and i apologize as well for getting caught up in it myself. Good luck to you.
NFU is obviously the one that has the best knowledge of music on this board, I doubt I will have listened to half as many records as he have when i die. But he has this tendency do think he is some kind gods gift to music.That mans got to realize that there are different tastes and people like different things in music.
oh i realize that fact. i just dont sugar coat things. i dont feel the new to persuade people nicely to listen to better music...they can listen or ignore me. its not skin off my back either way.
NineFeetUnderground said:
oh i realize that fact. i just dont sugar coat things. i dont feel the new to persuade people nicely to listen to better music...they can listen or ignore me. its not skin off my back either way.
''Better'' music for you doesent have to be better music for other people. Which band that are good can't be stated as a fact, not according to me anyway.

We had a little discussion about Yes earlier. I simply can't stand their soundscape at all, does that make my taste somehow inferior to yours? Judging by the manor you answered in apparently, yes. I know people that call Opeth ''self important drivel'' and don't like their song structure. Obviously I don't agree but I think those are perfectly reasonable reasons for not liking the band if you are put down by things like that.

I will tell you this though. If I see a thread about a band in the forum I need only look for a post by you to see if they are going to be worth my time. Well, most of the time.
ironbeard said:
Liquid Diamonds, I thank you for your timely advice and helping me to realize what I was doing.

You're welcome :)

I'm not justifying what the Agalloch thread turned into, but I think it's impressive that you at least created a thread in order to apologise. Peace.
Liquid Diamonds said:
You're welcome :)

I'm not justifying what the Agalloch thread turned into, but I think it's impressive that you at least created a thread in order to apologise. Peace.

Considering he started that whole shit slinging fest based on a bunch of assumptions and childish behavior...and since hes supposedly such a grounded and level headed 50 year old...i hardly think he should be congratulated on apologizing for his shit talking personal attacks to a 23 year old. but maybe thats just me.
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