Interesting remarks from Mastodon about Dream Theater

Even if you don't like Dream Theater (which I do) you can hardly deny that they're talented musicians. And, despite 80% of their catalogue, they CAN pull off music with actual musicality and emotion. I mean, listen to Octavarium (the song). Razor's Edge is absolutely beautiful...

What the fuck does irc mean? Isn't it a chatting program.. or something?
^^ iirc means "If I recall". People here usually spell it wrong, though.

And about Dream Theater, they suck ass. Trust me, they do. Don't say otherwise, or this forum will crack down on you. :erk:

EDIT: Damn someone beat me to the definition. Oh well...
And yeah, at least Dream Theater had some good instrumental parts on the 2 first albums, but everything about Mastodon i still think DT is better.
Guitar World magazine interviewed MASTODON's Brent Hinds and Bill Kelliher for its November 2006 issue. An excerpt from the chat follows:

Guitar World: Let me posit something: You guys definitely have prog elements to your sound, and yet you're exciting and valid — you're cool. Why do you think you're cooler than a band like, say, DREAM THEATER?

Hinds: "Because we don't have a little Chinese girl playing bass! [laughs]"

Guitar World: Yikes!

Hinds: "And they dress all gay, too. I mean, look at them: they wear those cheesy leather pants. The lead singer especially: he's got that really gay thing going on with his hair. Plus, he sings like a fucking opera singer and shit. Their hair, their clothes, their music...They're gay."

Guitar World: Now, wait a second. Are you calling DREAM THEATER a "Brokeback" band? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Hinds: "No, I don't mean 'gay' like that. I just [laughs]"

Kelliher: "I think what might make us 'cool' and them 'uncool' is the lack of egos in our band. We don't try to show off our amazing versatility every second."

thats the actual comments made. Its funny if anyone actually takes the shit seriously, i think its pretty fucking obvious that he was joking around due to teh dumbass question.
illidurit said:
shit > mastodon > dream theater

It is thanks to posts like this that I thank the great maker to put the Internet on human beings' path.

Thank You.

Shit tastes good though.
Can't blame you.

Uh, so what was Portnoy's response?

And coming from a person that has never heard Mastodon and doesn't care about Dream Theater one way or the other, I want to say that this shit is ridiculous. Could these Mastodon guys be any more immature and disrespectful? Grow the fuck up and get a sense of humor that doesn't suck.