Interesting remarks from Mastodon about Dream Theater

the fact that anyone could argue about whether something stands for "recall" or "remember" shows that some people just shouldnt be allowed to breathe.
Those comments definitely were not true, at least about Myung. That guy is BUILT. He's not a little sissy, that's for sure. Maybe if people paid a little more attention to Dream Theater, they would notice. Wait a minute...

Whoops! Nevermind. :erk:

EDIT: Dur! This was obviously supposed to be a joke because I'm 100% aware that nobody will pay attention to DT. You predictable people. I knew someone wouldn't get it. Oh well, you can't expect everyone to notice. No surprise there.

please, samsara
(mastodon da kim oluyor?)

a band that tries to make lots of noise in songs with not too much structure. rather bland, really. i saw them in may 2005 with cult of luna in nj and they got boring pretty quickly. i did have some fun listening to the drummer's fills, but you can only take so much of it at a time. i have probably played their album, leviathan, once after the concert. cult of luna blew their socks off there.