Up for a mix?


Apr 30, 2008
Hey everyone...
First of all, i'd like to thank everyone on this forum for the sheer volume of information presented here. :worship:
For those looking for something to mix, i've got something that i just can't get sounding right.... Whatever i do... it just does not sound nice... always too muddy or too thin...
So, for those of you looking for a mix to do (if you have the time), i'm putting the tracks up here to try and learn how to do it right.
Here's the recorded tracks:
This is a midi of the drums (tempo 120):

If anyone using Audition could make a killer mix with just stock plugins and freeware plugins and be willing to share project files... that would be amazing as i'd also see what was going on and how you made the magic... but i realize that the chances of that happening are extremely remote but i can still hope :p

Once again, thanks for everything!
I would just like to thank you for uploading your tracks before posting. You could have started a brutal 1000 year lashing on you and your children.

ill give this a go.

do you have any di tracks or just the miced recording?
Both DI's and normal Guitar tracks are present (though i don't think the tone in there would be very good).
Hey dude your in luck, I am like the one other person on the planet that uses adobe audition. I make no promises about my mix being killer though.

I try to give it a try this weekend.
The drums are EZD but u have uploaded the midi version of the drums as well and mention the tempo in the first post (120) - its the second link.
The drums are EZD but u have uploaded the midi version of the drums as well and mention the tempo in the first post (120) - its the second link.

The mapping is different does anyone know how to convert ez drummer midi mapping to ad mapping? I tried google no answer? Do i have to reprogram them?
The mapping is different does anyone know how to convert ez drummer midi mapping to ad mapping? I tried google no answer? Do i have to reprogram them?

Open the drum track in the midi editor of your DAW of choice, select all the hits for the kick drum and just drag them to the correct note. Then repeat for all the remaining drums and cymbals.
@ShallowEulogy - Sorry about that - i have to figure a decent setting to get a loud signal like most clips; the thing is that when i used the amplitube metal demo ... the reamp(sim)ed signal shot to about -5 to -6 dB so i thought it would be fine...
Thanks for trying though

@Limak - Going for dinner so i'll check those mixes soon.. Thanks
the thing is that when i used the amplitube metal demo ... the reamp(sim)ed signal shot to about -5 to -6 dB so i thought it would be fine...

Yea i got caught with this aswell using the gearbox plug in and my d.i

You have to set the level before you apply the plug in using just the d.i as this is the level the amp will see. The plug in gives you a false reading.
Well here is my first stab at it. I attempted to use only adobe and free plugins and samples. I did end up using Revlaver Mk II on the guitar DI's and then mixed them with the original guitar tracks. You can get the free Wagner plug in to sound about like Revalver Mk II but it was taking me forever.

The drums in my mix could be alot better, I didn't spend much time on them. I also changed a couple parts were your guitars are distorted to clean. And stretched out and reamped a chord you play for a fade.

Here you go dude:

midget donkeys - You placed the drums 2 bars early - check the other mixes for reference.

Thanks to everyone who's spending time on this...
I'll give you guys some opinions on the mixes soon but my words might be weightless as i'm just a novice.
Hi kramer, are sure the drums are a couple bars off? I copied and pasted the first riff of guitar 2 an extra bar earlier so that it starts sooner and plays twice.
Yup - i'm pretty sure, listen to one of the above mixes to get an idea.
For example - the part of the drum that starts at 0:16 should start at 0:19 - 0:20.