Freeware mix demo?


Oct 20, 2006
Oregon Coast
I just had an idea that I would like to share with the class.

With people always wondering what new software to buy, and after reading the recent thread about the truth behind digital EQ, I figured it would be interesting if someone with supreme mixing skills (not me) were to make a short demo mix using only freeware applications and plugins, from start to finish. Or maybe free plugs and a usable demo version of a dirt cheap host, if no decent freeware host could be found.

I think it would be a cool resource to point people to when they start asking about super expensive plugins and everything. Granted, free stuff might have drawbacks as far as ease of use and what not, but it would still be interesting to hear the final result.

I guess some exceptions could be certain drum programs like EZ drummer or DFH, unless someone actually wanted to go through the trouble of mic'ing up a real kit for the drums.

Anyone up for it?
I can provide half assed drum tracks, my kit is already miced up at the moment haha :) Alternatively, I've got drum samples from my own kit which could be used to build a custom kit and program via that... I haven't tried ShortCircuit yet but it's a sampler which might be able to take in all the samples needed to build a custom drum kit.
You would also need a really cheap ass interface, cheap ass instruments and cheap cheap mic for it to make any difference. If you are tracking vocals with Neumann U87 into API preamp into Prismsound Orpheus, it isn't really giving the reader a good perception what you can do with free software.

I would say something like a SM57 + under $100 condenser into a interface that costs less than $100, or a cheap usb-mic, into a a free/bundled/cheap sequencer (kristal, cubase le, reaper...) would be the way to go.
sounds like a great idea to me!
i second the wagner/soloC idea...seems to be a very common route while sticking to the overall free-idea.
I would rather go with external interface that is laptop compatible and has two inputs for stereo micing, like Alesis IO|2 for example. It is also bundled with Steinberg Cubase LE.

Well, I don't have a laptop or a 2 channel interface so guess that's fucked then.

I'm not really sure what your point was with your post but I consider Delta1010LT cheap so why wouldn't that work? :)
Okay, but lets return to the topic and lets not think about the recording process at all. The topic was "freeware MIX demo". Lets say you have tracks that have already been tracked and edited to place so you just need to focus on the mix. I also think that listening enviroment can be anything you have now. The DAW doesn't really matter for the demo as it will just act as a summing engine, but you are not allowed to use its integrated plugins for the project unless they are available for free for other DAWs too (like the LOSER and Rea-plugs that are bundled with Reaper).

I would be interested in doing this on the condition that the clip has vocals and the drums are real (no midi or sample-based). Other instruments than just guitar, bass and drums are a plus too. If someone wants to do a short snippet, should we try this?
Well I've let it be known in this thread what I have and what I can provide for the project so if we "write" a song, I can lay the drums on it. I'm not a 240 BPM techblaster though so... just to let ya know :) I'm up for it! I can also provide guitars but I think there are tons of people who can do that so it would be nice if I didn't do it... I kinda have a lot of other stuff I need to do anyway.
I was originally thinking along the lines of free/cheap software, but it actually would be a better demonstration if it were done with all cheap gear period. The Delta 10/10 seems like a pretty good candidate for an interface to me, given it's price, and a bunch of cheap mics would all be pretty cool. I think real amps should be allowed even if they're fairly expensive, as long they're captured with a 57 or something inexpensive. The Wagner amp sim idea seems like it would be more interesting though, as it would fit the idea better, being absolutely free.

I'm thinking now that drum replacement should be allowed on the drums as long as it's done with free or bundled methods, like KT Drum Trigger to trigger a freeware sampler, or a sampler that may be bundled with a host program. Sonar's Session Drummer for example.

It would be cool to have this little project be just kind of a reference for anyone on a budget who is utterly convinced that they'll never be able to achieve decent results without a ton of money, and that ears and technique are loads more important than your gear.