A little help for me and a little toy for you guys!


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
Wohooo, super mutual thread!

Here is the deal: I've fucked all cracked plugins and I'm going all freeware now. There is probably going to be an exception or two since I'm sort of counting on having to buy atleast some professional plugin, and obviously ApTrigga and Reaper. Anyway...

It's about guitar tone with freeware stuff. As always, when I try to tweak tones I ALWAYS end up burying myself in a pile of shit and just being completely overwhelmed. I then start over and do the same thing... haha, great fun!

I've uploaded a short DI clip with my super sweet sloppy playing and I'm wondering if anyone feels like giving it a go and constructing an FX chain using only free plugins. I'm after some semi-djenty tone, but not all out djenty djent djent. Something like Erik's (Dandelium) tone would probably fit my next project nicely :) I know he likes to use SoloC and 8505, but I failed at creating something similar to him.

Anyway, if you have time, if you think it's fun, give it a go and post the results and preferably a description of which plugs you used! Oh and keFIR or something loaded up with Ryan's (Catharsis) impulse is probably going to be the best I assume... but please do experiment if you want.


Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeers! =)
Oh by the way... if you feel like going old school and reamping through real amps, I'm interested in those results too. But then there is the risk of me wanting you to reamp 7 songs in the (hopefully) near future... and you might not be up for that ;)
i know you were looking for freeware but i ran this through PodFarm for the lulz and i like it, so here ya go:


Well actually, the results from non-freeware stuff is interesting too since it still helps me learn so if you could post some pictures of the plugin chain it would be awesome! I'll be using these pictures and Reaper FXChain files to analyze them and just learn in-depth what other people use for distortion and how they set 'em up and how different chains yield different results and so on.

I did this, all free plugins, though I'm still unsure of how good it sounds : I'm not really used to djent.

Still if you like it I'll gladly send you the FxChain :D

Here it goes : http://files.getdropbox.com/u/1149356/isthatdjenty.wav (not totally loaded to dropbox atm but it should be finished soon).

Hehe I'm not used to djent either! It just happened to be that my upcoming project is inspired by djent bands, but I'm not playing straight up 100% djent myself... although the influences are kinda obvious on some songs :) Anyway..

Thanks for your contribution and it doesn't matter too much exactly how it sounds. The most important thing for me is the "character" of the distortion, I can always tweak the EQ and so on later. Please do send the FxChain so I have something to study and cross analyze with others =)


I just dropped the file into a project I set up in Reaper that I use to jam
All free plugs
The FX chain for each side is here:

Dropbox uploading =FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU......

Haha dude, I hear ya... Dropbox is awesome but the upload is ... yea well, FUUUUU.... :)

Oh you even made a "fake doubletrack" out of it :) Thanks for your contribution, I will eagerly analyze the FXchain files you provided.
My turn! :)

8505 w/ TSS in front and Catharsis impulse

SoloC w/ TSS in front and Catharsis impulse

The SoloC has some really weird settings, but i think it sounds really good. I used the Crunch channel within SoloC but i drove it insanely hard. Reaper FXChains can be uploaded if wanted :)
Haha dude, I hear ya... Dropbox is awesome but the upload is ... yea well, FUUUUU.... :)

Uh.. how are you guys uploading..? You open up the tab in the system icons tray that says Dropbox by doubleclicking, takes you to the Dropbox folder in My Docs. Click on Public, drag your file in there and it uploads it for you. Right-click for the public link.

That's like, the easiest system I've ever seen for uploading.. and one of the fastest.
Uh.. how are you guys uploading..? You open up the tab in the system icons tray that says Dropbox by doubleclicking, takes you to the Dropbox folder in My Docs. Click on Public, drag your file in there and it uploads it for you. Right-click for the public link.

That's like, the easiest system I've ever seen for uploading.. and one of the fastest.

That's how I do it and sometimes the upload speed is only 4kb/s. It goes slower the faster I need the file uploaded. :erk:

Dropbox is amazingly great otherwise.
My turn! :)

8505 w/ TSS in front and Catharsis impulse

SoloC w/ TSS in front and Catharsis impulse

The SoloC has some really weird settings, but i think it sounds really good. I used the Crunch channel within SoloC but i drove it insanely hard. Reaper FXChains can be uploaded if wanted :)

Hey man! Weird settings or not, I think you got the SoloC sounding better than the 8505. With some more tweaking, I think that tone could be pretty good actually. Care to upload or PM me the FXchain so I can study it? :) Thanks a ton man!

Uh.. how are you guys uploading..? You open up the tab in the system icons tray that says Dropbox by doubleclicking, takes you to the Dropbox folder in My Docs. Click on Public, drag your file in there and it uploads it for you. Right-click for the public link.

That's like, the easiest system I've ever seen for uploading.. and one of the fastest.

Yes definately, but I think we were whining about the upload speed, not the actual upload procedure... which is crazy easy so there is nothing to whine about there :D

Thank you dude! Care to upload or PM me the FXchain used, or if you didn't use Reaper, could you perhaps send a picture of the chain? As you may notice, I'm trying to collect as many chains as possible from different people, just to cross analyze them with each other and stuff. I'm making neat little folders with everyone's names and their clip + chain :)

Here you go!
http://files.getdropbox.com/u/425433/erkan.mp3 You like Sybreed huh? :lol:

I used my usual chain (not only freeware, but based on).

This is SoloC>8505 too:
http://files.getdropbox.com/u/425433/psychocrime test.mp3

Erkan, PM me for the chain details if you want them ;)

Best wishes.

Haha Erik the man! Yeah I do kinda like *cough* love *cough* Sybreed. Damn, did you notice that by those 2 riffs? Personally, I wasn't thinking Sybreed when I wrote those... more like... I dunno, your average emo-djent of today's MySpace music :D You made me want to post a little clip of my scratch track now... which I will do in the next post.

Thanks for your contribution, and it has your signature on it! :D Yes I'm interested in the FXchain, I will PM you right away. Thanks a ton for your contribution! That goes for everyone.

And please do keep 'em coming if you're creative dudes... the more the merrier =)
Alright, in the same thread here and now, I thought I could post the tone I had gotten by using Revalver + WarpVST in my "cracked" days. It's the same song as the DI clip, but it contains a different section to show some other parts of the song. The last riff is the chorus and that one is in the DI as well.

This is a scratch track which I made just to "set the song in stone" so I don't have to worry about stuff later when I record them for real, like "should I play this 2 or 4 times?" and stuff like that. This also gives me something to listen to while laying the drums and so on. So right now it's programmed drums in AD and double tracked guitars, no bass.


Worth to mention is that there is double mp3 compression on it so... just so ya know :) What do you guys think about this tone? I'm trying to achieve something similar to this one with free plugins but I'm finding the hardest thing to mimic is Warp VST. It does some really cool things to the high and low end of the guitars, but the mids suck. That is why I used Revalver which is really middy, so I blended Warp and Revalver together and got this. I might have to buy Warp after all but it just sucks so much dick that you can't disable the built in IRs of it. Imagine the possibilities if you could... :S
Well actually, the results from non-freeware stuff is interesting too since it still helps me learn so if you could post some pictures of the plugin chain it would be awesome! I'll be using these pictures and Reaper FXChain files to analyze them and just learn in-depth what other people use for distortion and how they set 'em up and how different chains yield different results and so on.

here ya go, two pics that show the fx chain:

Ok, here's my go at a Djenty sound.

I have only used freeware here, apart from the EQ at the end of the chain (Sonitus: fx, comes with Sonar HS 6).

'Tis a tad noisy, I used a freeware noise gate (keeping within the rules, but its not a particularly good one, i'm sure you can find better ones)
but i guess you could surgically remove the noise, especially in the end riff.

Erkan Djent (Zarkhaine)

P.S Pink Bear of Doom sounds awesome man! :kickass: :headbang:

Downloaded and neatly put in "your" folder on my USB drive :) Thanks!

Ok, here's my go at a Djenty sound.

I have only used freeware here, apart from the EQ at the end of the chain (Sonitus: fx, comes with Sonar HS 6).

'Tis a tad noisy, I used a freeware noise gate (keeping within the rules, but its not a particularly good one, i'm sure you can find better ones)
but i guess you could surgically remove the noise, especially in the end riff.

Erkan Djent (Zarkhaine)

P.S Pink Bear of Doom sounds awesome man! :kickass: :headbang:

Hey that's a pretty cool tone! Apart from the fact that it sounds a bit distant and not so "near", but maybe that could be solved somehow. The low-end is a little bit out of control but some multiband compression should take care of that. I'm very interested in the chain. If you could throw the plugins up in a row and take a screenshot, I would be really grateful!

Thanks for your contribution man :)

(I'm beginning to feel that I will be able to make a very good tone by combining all my favorite aspects of everyone's contributions!)
Here's a picture of all the plug-ins and settings I used:

Plug-in chain order:

2. Floorfish (Noise Gate)
3. Nick Crow 7170
4. Solo C
5. Voxengo Boogex (Catharsis Fredman - s-pres8 impulse)
6. AcmeBarGig Cab Enhancer
7. Sonitus:fx - EQ

@ Erkan: I'd be really interested in hearing the full song when it's finished.
I've listened to that 'Pink Bear of Doom' mp3 about 10 times! :headbang: