up - tempo


Sep 10, 2002
York UK
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i dont no about you guys and girls but tell me what you think
i was thinking about saxon next studio album whenever that is and id like em to put more up tempo tracks on the album that what they have been puttin on recent past albums example on the KG album id class KG and dragons lair as up tempo tracks and the rest of the album mid tempo same with metalhead theres conquisador and all guns blazing unleash the beast album u have the title track and bloodletter as up tempo tracks and so on down the albums. If i was to write the next saxon album which i couldent to save me life lol but id like to see 5 or 6 up tempo tracks 4 mid tempo tracks and yeah ok maybe a slowish one like example sea of life which is a good track. Put ya posts in saxon fans and tell us what youd like to see on the next saxon album.
Temp-wise Metalhead is very good and carefully planned with songs order. I want too see a good new studioalbum with lots of hightempo songs, and have you ever listened to Avantasia, their albums (metal Opera pt1&2) has amazing hightempo songs!
Hi crusader, no i havent heard of Avantasia but i will deff check them out. Glad you agree about saxon putting more up - tempo songs onto 1 album. Saxon have been me fav fav band for as long as i can rem obv cause they have written some excellent songs and are the best live act. But if i was being picky about anything that has let saxon down a bit ( if that is the right word to use) is lack of up - tempo songs thanks for your post crusader.
Yeah I wouldn't mind a few more fast songs, or songs that kick you in the balls! Such as Unleash the beast, Circle of light, Cut out the disease, Conquistador, Song of evil.

I don't think that is really the Saxon way though. But hey, those songs rock!
I get your point. And I think Saxon would get more fans if they make a good higtemp album, and, I would love it too!!!