I just listened to about 1/2 of the new record (listened to the first 4 tracks fully, the others I skimmed). Initial impressions are that the new disc is mediocre. It's just like the last one, except longer and with weaker songs. And the production somehow got worse. Again. Maiden seriously needs to give our producer Glenn a call.

Your average song is 8 minutes in length! I mean for Christ sakes they're Iron Maiden! Even Dream Theater's songs don't average that length! There's no reason for most of these songs to top the 4 minute mark.
Waht does Up The Irons mean anyway?!

The band members are fans of West Ham United F.C.

"The fans and club alike are known as "The Hammers" by the media, partly because of the club's origins as Thames Ironworks company football team (see club crest) and also (incorrectly) due to the club's name. However, they are also known as "The Irons" by their own supporters"

I just listened to about 1/2 of the new record (listened to the first 4 tracks fully, the others I skimmed). Initial impressions are that the new disc is mediocre. It's just like the last one, except longer and with weaker songs. And the production somehow got worse. Again. Maiden seriously needs to give our producer Glenn a call.

Your average song is 8 minutes in length! I mean for Christ sakes they're Iron Maiden! Even Dream Theater's songs don't average that length! There's no reason for most of these songs to top the 4 minute mark.

Yeah yeah yeah shut the fook up bruv I been following the maiden for nearly six months and the new stuff is just great !!!!
Hate to spoil your fun metalfan1991 but new Maiden is utter boredom... Good for them to have such fanatic fans like yourself though :grin:
+2 :flame:

The band members are fans of West Ham United F.C.

"The fans and club alike are known as "The Hammers" by the media,

That explain Up the Hammers too then. Thanks for the info.
Yeah yeah yeah shut the fook up bruv I been following the maiden for nearly six months and the new stuff is just great !!!!

I don't care if you like it or not, I have every right to dislike their new music. And it's not that I dislike it, it just does nothing for me. There are far better albums released this year far more deserving of my attention.

And their new disc sounds weak. Sorry, the production just isn't up to snub. This is one of the biggest metal bands on the planet. What, was Andy Sneap too busy?
I don't care if you like it or not, I have every right to dislike their new music. And it's not that I dislike it, it just does nothing for me. There are far better albums released this year far more deserving of my attention.

His post had heavy signs of trolling, why bother :grin:

And their new disc sounds weak. Sorry, the production just isn't up to snub. This is one of the biggest metal bands on the planet. What, was Andy Sneap too busy?

Nope... Martin Birch is in retirement :bah:

As for Up The Hammers/Irons:
don't know about other Maiden members, but Harris in particular is a heavy WestHam supporter (e.g. notice his wristbands, mainly in blue-purple colors). Our former representative footballer and now a national team coach Slaven Bilic played for WestHam FC and while being there became good friends with Steve. Slaven being into metal and heavy rock certainly helped with that... ;)
The story tells that they've both been shaking nervously upon meeting each other, with Slaven thinking "my god, that's Steve from Iron Maiden!" and Steve on the other side "my god, that's Bilic from WestHam" :lol:
His post had heavy signs of trolling, why bother :grin:

Nope... Martin Birch is in retirement :bah:
Yeah his management of the language is peculiar:flame:. And yes it's so sad that Birch retired, we need more producers like him.
New Maiden sounds a bit too flat and boring to me, thought another spin will change it...but no. I heard already much better releases this year.
I was not very impressed by El Dorado...I like the intro...but the soaring vocals are just not there... I've heard people say that after track 4 the album really picks up...to me AMOLAD was fantastic...so, if this album has a couple of gems I'll be happy.
I don't care if you like it or not, I have every right to dislike their new music. And it's not that I dislike it, it just does nothing for me. There are far better albums released this year far more deserving of my attention.

And their new disc sounds weak. Sorry, the production just isn't up to snub. This is one of the biggest metal bands on the planet. What, was Andy Sneap too busy?

oh god, i don't think i could bear it if andy sneap was let anywhere near an iron maiden album
oh god, i don't think i could bear it if andy sneap was let anywhere near an iron maiden album

Agreed. Who the fuck wants Maiden to sound like the newest Century Mediocre release? The live in studio sound suits the "jammy" nature of their new material anyway. And that's what their new material is, they've made their masterpieces and now they jam on a good riff or five for a while and sometimes come up with good results. But sometimes the choruses repeat too much, the songs are too long, etc etc.
god the new album is so boring. isn't this the same stuff maiden fans disliked when blaze did it? oh i guess since bruce is back it makes it good right? x factor is way better than the new album or for that matter any bruce reunion album
After a couple of spins, my thoughts:

The first part of the album is very weak... track #4 I do like, but sounds like a Bruce solo song rather than a Maiden song... it's enjoyable though.

The 2nd half of the album is actually quite good, I am baffled by this as usually a band usually puts their best songs on first...

So, in conclusion, not all is lost....
The first half of the disc is uninspired. El dorado is the low point... But every single one of the last 5 tracks is an utterly massive slab of awesomeness. I love them all, especially The Talisman and Where The Wild Wind Blows...
Agreed. Who the fuck wants Maiden to sound like the newest Century Mediocre release?

Well for one thing, Andy actually makes albums sound HEAVY and PUNCHY. This new Maiden album isn't heavy. Nothing about it makes want to crank it and even if I did, it would be a waste. The guitars sound like shit and the drums are weak.

New Accept on the other hand is heavy as shit and has real balls.

This is how the new Iron Maiden should sound (even with the major Mp3 compression it still sounds better):

And this is how it does sound:

The second sounds boring and flat.
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