Upcoming shows

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Hey people, thought I'd do a bit more shameless plugging hehe. I have a few shows coming up in the next few weeks so if anyone's interesting in coming to check out The Deadthings, here is how!​


"Friday The 13th" - The Arthouse
Corner of Queensberry & Elizabeth St, City.
The Deadthings creep into 2006 in cryptic style with a killer Friday the 13th show at the infamous Arthouse. Support from fellow rockers Black Friday, Wonderland & Poor Excuse. Bands start from 8:30pm, The Deadthings hit the stage at midnight. Be sure to drag your corpse down for Nothin' But A Ghoul Time!!

"The Green Room's 3rd Birthday Bash" - Friday January 20th
Corner of Flinders Lane & Elizabeth St (Downstairs), City.
The Deadthings join in on a huge line up of bands Friday January 20th at The Green Room for its 3rd Birthday Bash (which also happens to be Paul Stanley's 54th birthday!). The Deadthings hit the stage at 10pm sharp. Also joining the Birthday Festivities are The Shine, The Speed Demons, Black Friday, Interstater, Black Guns and The R.I.P. Rides. Doors open at 7.00pm

The Green Room - Saturday January 28th
Corner of Flinders Lane & Elizabeth St (Downstairs), City.
The Deadthings return to the Green Room on Saturday Jan.28th for a headlining slot with special guests Pure Cult (Cult Tribute), Babydoll Junkies and others TBA. Doors open at 8.30pm. The Deadthings hit the Stage at Midnight.

ROKKIN! Hope some of ya can make it and see the GLAM SLAM KINGS OF GHOUL in action!!​
Trixxi Trash said:
The Green Room - Saturday January 28th

I can't make this one.. I'll be off harpooning dolphins, brawling with naked dutch tourists at pool parties and drinking XXXX.
Ah wicked, I'll go to the one on the 28th then. It's in the city, so I can get drunk and walk home. Yippee!! :hotjump:

I'd go to tomorrow's one, but I've got a party on. That gig's even closer to my house.... :)
When's the BDO again? Should be different, being in Princes Park. Who are you going to see?

Just noticed that there's a Cult tribute band playing on the 28th! :headbang:
Rockin it'll be cool to see some of u guys there!!!

Lance: In the next 2 weeks, we're hookin' up a new shoot with the same photographer :)
I wouldn't mind seeing Mars Volta, Iggy and Wolfmother - but I don't care for just about any other bands. I think this years BDO is really quite shit overall.
Yeah I think the lineup is pretty awful too. Not one band I would really go out of my way to see.
I didn't realise Rollins was on the lineup. That'd make one band I like at least. The BDO isn't what it used to be, largely because rock isn't what it used to be.