Upcoming shows

Haha with "TRIXX" painted on it? I need a new guitar strap I did that before I left for a show one nite though as a last minute thing just to make it a bit less boring haha. Did you like the Ironbird bass? Haha.
How long you been in the Dead Things for Trixxi? Just wondering coz i met them briefly in Adelaide one night.
Thanks dude :) I hope ya liked it!!

Hahaha the hair toss... Yeah I noticed as well that I was doin it alot, bits of my hair keep sticking to my makeup on my face and its annoying and I keep having to try to move it away lol. I've actually decided I'm gonna run a bandana from now on to keep it off my face and keep it in place better hahaha.
Trixxi, I was just wondering if you were with them at Enigma Bar after one of their shows, it was a gothic club by the name of Necromancy.
That's awesome Josh!! :) Hey, how do you reckon we'd go down at something like Metal 4 The Brain? Too glam or would people dig it? Coz we're pretty heavy for glam I reckon...

Yup I was at Enigma Bar :) We went there for a while before going to The 108 Lounge haha. I don't remember much from that night, I go a bit out of control on road trips and was pretty trashed, but I remember a dude wearing an Ace Frehley costume there! That was cool!
Never been to Metal 4 The Brain, but yeah you guys are pretty heavy, so it could work....

A bandanna would be tops!
Sebasrockets played last year or the year before and apparently got a good response and I think we prob fit the metal bill a bit closer than them... more '80s looking & sounding, all got longer hair (except for Dave), metal riffs & Zakk Wylde style squeals instead of their more raw "rock & roll" guitar sound, and Julez' has more of an 80s LA metal voice and does high screams and stuff.
Your description of yourselves is getting me very interested in hearing Deadthings. I prefer my glam a bit heavier and sleazier...

Yeah that guy wears his Ace costume alot, he's a legend.
Feel free to drop into Necromancy again if you guys have another gig coinciding with it ;) Next time I'll have a chat if im not on the decks.
Trixxi Trash said:
Sebasrockets played last year or the year before and apparently got a good response and I think we prob fit the metal bill a bit closer than them... more '80s looking & sounding, all got longer hair (except for Dave), metal riffs & Zakk Wylde style squeals instead of their more raw "rock & roll" guitar sound, and Julez' has more of an 80s LA metal voice and does high screams and stuff.

Sebasrockets played last year and for a band that completely didn't fit in with any other band there they got a great reaction. I've heard this year's one is going more towards the extreme end of things though, so no idea on whether they'll have a glam/sleaze band playing this time.
More extreme? Are they deliberately trying to make the festival crap and unprofitable? :erk:
I reckon they'll say it will showcase more extreme bands but that will probably mean 3 or 4 more. Since last year alot of people complained about the hardcore/metalcore bands on the line-up, it doesn't surprise me

Either way, I'll be there no matter who plays really. MFTB is an experience, not just a gig! :)