Upcoming shows

Trixxi Trash said:
"The Green Room's 3rd Birthday Bash" - Friday January 20th
Corner of Flinders Lane & Elizabeth St (Downstairs), City.
The Deadthings join in on a huge line up of bands Friday January 20th at The Green Room for its 3rd Birthday Bash (which also happens to be Paul Stanley's 54th birthday!). The Deadthings hit the stage at 10pm sharp. Also joining the Birthday Festivities are The Shine, The Speed Demons, Black Friday, Interstater, Black Guns and The R.I.P. Rides. Doors open at 7.00pm

Great show!!
Speed Demons were awesome! The Shine were ok.
Rock has changed heaps. "Rock" festivals now barely even have rock bands on. They are full of pretentious indy/alternative acts, they have rooms/tents for DJs and electronic music, rock stars barely exist anymore because bands now think they are above that and are "artists" rather than rock stars, and then because of that the crowds at events now are much less die-hard fans and don't idolise the bands playing like they used to... the magic of rock & roll has faded heaps since the days where a festival would have Guns N Roses, Poison, Iron Maiden, Metallica, AC/DC etc in front of stacks of Marshalls and a big drum riser and pyrotechnics and loyal fans would queue up for a day to be as close as they can to the band they've tattooed all over their arms while their girlfriend gets on their shoulders and flashes her tits at the lead singer and you get excited that your idol who you cover your bedroom walls with actually saw your girlfriend's boobs!
Excellent post, Trentos. Things are way fucking different now; just look at this year's BDO lineup. :( I've got into loads and loads of new metal over the last ten years, but hardly any rock. It's sad really.
That's true. But still, that whole rock scene vibe that is captured if you watch late 80s/early 90s footage like Gunners' Paradise City clip or the Year & Half in the life of Metallica part 2 video or any Kiss, Poison, Warrant etc videos just doesn't exist really anymore anywhere. The closest thing that probably exists anywhere in the world to that now is the Bang Your Head, Wacken etc thing in Europe but even that is a much smaller scale and not quite as crazy & decadent and at the same time kinda innocent and less skeptical/critical like the old rock scene was...
I agree with that, but after being second row in a crowd of approx 83,000 for Maiden 6 months ago, it is kind of hard to say that rock doesn't exist on a large scale in the world today.

It has definately died in the arse in Australia though. To think that GNR could pull a crowd of almost 100,000 in Melbourne 15 years ago is pretty uncanny.
The BDO always had lots of good rock bands playing though, of much higher calibre than the current lot.

I count Maiden as being heavy metal, rather than rock. Even then, they've been around for 45,000 years, and nobody has emerged in recent times that even comes close to their popularity.

Take the likes of Maiden and Metallica out, and it doesn't leave many bands on the heavier side of the scale that can attract massive audiences.
Yeah Rob is on the money. When Guns N Roses were pulling those kinda crowds of obsessively loyal decidated fans they'd been goin like 2 years! Nobody does that now and the only bands who do pull those kinda loyal obsessed crowds are ones who have been around since the 70s or 80s when that existed, Kiss and Maiden etc.
Hey Trentos, are you still on at midnight on Saturday? Do you know what time the other bands are on?

I'm going to a nearby pub afterwards to watch Everton v Chelsea in the FA Cup (2am start), so it should tie in very nicely! Ooh yeah, and I should be able to get a lift home from my dad - yeehah!
Yup midnight Saturday!!!

Opening up are The Dangerous Truth (no idea who they are), then Pure Cult (The Cult tribute band), then War Pigs (Black Sabbath & Ozzy Osbourne tribute band), then us headlining at midnight, then Babydoll Junkies closing at about 1:30 or something.
Cool gig last night - I enjoyed it muchly!

The Pure Cult singer sounded a lot like Ian Astbury, which was cool.